Guide and tips to start playing League of Legends

Infobae also recommends 5 YouTube channels with experts who report on each security patch that the game makes


League of Legends is an online game of the MOBA genre. It is the first and best-known game developed by Riot Games. Surely many readers have heard about this game and its popularity, which is so great that there are 1,300,000 concurrent players. These numbers make League of Legends the most played video game today.

The most popular mode is the 5v5 map, where you have to knock down turrets to advance and eventually destroy the opposing team's link.

It can be a little confusing at first to understand what one, or your opponent can do, as there are so many characters with different mechanics, roles and classes, so in this guide, Infobae brings a tutorial with the best tips for beginners.

LoL has a wide variety of characters

The great and growing depth of the League cast of characters (of different races, roles and classes) coupled with the constant revisions is overwhelming:

- Reworks, or drastic changes both visual and skill of a champion.

- Buffs: improvements in damage, range, duration or cooldown of skills.

- Nerfs: worsening of them, makes it difficult to exhaust the playable possibilities of this MOBA.

The game has 159 champions, including Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Fiddlesticks, Jax, Kayle, Master Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Ryze, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Teemo, Tristana, Twisted Fate and Warwick.


Fundamental principles of the game and the map in LoL

League of Legends is structured in 3 lines, with 2 towers to be knocked down per lane and a nexus defended by 3 outer towers (one per line) that exclusively defend 3 inhibitors by the team trying to destroy it and 2 turrets that defend the nexus and that, if destroyed, would mean the end of the game.

This concept has not changed since the creation of the game and remains the most important when it comes to winning the game.

The movement of companions and different structures can be constantly tracked across the map, and that of enemies is limited by fog of war, for which gold will need to be invested in vision guardians and thus make it possible to observe the enemy's movements.

Regularly viewing the map to help teammates and/or destroy enemies is always of vital importance during the development of the game.


Character roles in League of Legends

The roles have been predetermined by the META fundamentally since its creation: TOP (Top Lane), JUNGLE (taking over the target monsters that occupy it), MEDIUM (middle lane) and BOT (lower lane, usually occupied by 2 characters).

For this point, it should be noted that there are constant updates of content in the game, so it is totally recommended to go to platforms such as YouTube or Reddit where experts present guides for both beginners and experts to update with each patch that the game makes.

Infobae recommends the following channels on YouTube: PochiPoom Laboratory, Manute, TenYasha LOL, Josedeodo and LastPick.


Primary runes of the 'champions'

The most important feature in terms of gameplay is the runes, which are the ones that are added to the characters during the pre-game champion selection, and thus adapt them to each game and define their shape.

There are 5 primary runes that can be combined with a secondary tree:

- Accuracy: improved attacks and sustained damage.

- Domination: explosive damage and access to targets

- Witchcraft: empowered skills and resource manipulation.

- Value: durability and crowd control.

- Inspiration: creative tools and manipulation of rules.


Classes and subclasses

League of Legends characters and their variety means that they are in different types depending on their characteristics, not counting the items that can be purchased to take advantage of their innate characteristics:

- Tanks: they are capable of taking a large amount of damage and often have abilities to slow, freeze, interrupt or displace enemies and allies among others. There are two types of tanks. These are Vanguard, which are usually the benchmark of attack and are usually decisive in team battles, focusing the enemy's attention; and Guardians or Protectors, which are defensive references that are called to defend those champions on our team who do damage and are more fragile in the face of threats from the enemy

- Fighters: they are able to inflict a large amount of damage and take it equally. There are two types of fighters. These are Colossi, with limited mobility, their objectives are usually the destruction of enemy towers, creating map pressure and interrupting or disrupting numerous fights; and Rammers, gifted with great mobility, who usually look for one or two priority objectives on the enemy that allow the team to tip the scales in group fights.

- Executioners: champions that stand out for their mobility and damage. There are two types of fighters. These are Assassins, their great mobility allows them to enter and exit fights, having abilities that radically amplify damage to make enemy target champions disappear; and Skirmishers, which allow them to take over specific targets and are capable of taking a substantial amount of damage.

- Magicians: Their overall reduced mobility makes it easy to focus their attention on them, but their skills in area, control of waves of minions and high damage potential make them a major threat. There are two types of fighters. The first of these are Battle Mages, those whose skill range is short-medium range and need to enter enemy lines to be relevant; and Artillery Mages, characterized by being able to deal a large amount of damage without exposing themselves.

- Controllers: endowed with fundamentally disruptive and crowd-control abilities, they are considered defensive although they can do a great deal of damage if ignored. There are two types of fighters. These are the Enchanters, who empower allied champions and hinder enemies are their priority objectives. They tend to be quite fragile and depend on their positioning; and Disruptors, which are capable of damaging multiple enemies and temporarily stopping or interrupting them.


Elements on the League of Legends map

- Minions: Minions emerge from the nexus in waves and are the most accessible source of gold for all champions and lines in the game. Every 30 seconds, a new wave comes and they have these characteristics: Two waves of 6 minions, 3 melee and 3 rank (casters), followed by a wave of 7 minions, 3 melee, 3 rank and a siege minion (cannon minion) that does more damage and with more defensive ability.


- Towers: These fortifications stop the waves of minions and champions on their way to the enemy nexus. Each tower has certain characteristics such as an attack range around it, which give insight into everything that happens (including invisible units and traps) in that range. The tower will attack the enemy champion whenever he damages the character being used.


So far the League of Legends (LoL) guide. Infobae hopes that it will be able to help all beginners who want to enter the world of this popular MOBA game, in order to improve the user experience.

