Governor of Santander announces legal action against deputy for calling him “paraco and corrupt”

Mauricio Aguilar confirmed that the signing of 'De la Esprella Lawyers Enterprise' will file the lawsuit against Deputy Ferley Sierra, who has been one of the biggest critics of his administration


On Thursday, April 7, the governor of Santander, Mauricio Aguilar, announced that he will initiate legal proceedings against the deputy of this department in northeastern Colombia, Ferley Sierra, who has been a strong critic of his administration after calling it “paraco and corrupt” and belonging to a “criminal clan”.

This was confirmed by Governor Aguilar in a statement in which he detailed that the lawsuit for injury and libel will be handled by the law firm 'De la Esprella Lawyers Enterprise', with which he seeks to “safeguard” his honor and that of his family, and assured that he would not enter into debates “where there is no room for reason or argument; only there is room for facto virtual avenues”.

“I have to be murdered by the paraco and corrupt Aguilar clan to which Mauricio Aguilar belongs, because with their rotten control bodies they will not be able to silence the voices of a Santander who wants his criminal clan to leave and stop bleeding this department,” deputy Sierra asserted on his Twitter account, which led to his to impose this lawsuit.

“The systematic obsession of a deputy - who turned his public dignity into a traveling circus, to denature the public debate, political control, contradiction and difference, necessary in democracy - against my humanity, that of my family, and that of my government team, forces me to ratify, that despite their persecution, mistreatment, violation, which he exercises, especially against the women of my cabinet, which I reject and condemn, I am not going to go down to the mud where he turned his responsibility,” said the president.

He also invited Deputy Sierra, with whom he has had several legal disputes, to exercise his duties “without verbal aggression” and to propose actions that benefit Santandereans and not to “plagiarize projects from other departments”, and asserted that what the official was doing was “destroy and set fire, but in terms of proposal and construction cracked.”

“The father of the clan imprisoned by paraco. The brother imprisoned for corrupt and now they bring De la Espriella to try to cover the sun with a finger. Now they are indignant that they call them the paraco clan, but when the father allied with the central bolívar bloc of the self-defenses, they said nothing,” said the deputy through his Twitter account, knowing that legal action would be instituted against him.

In this regard, he indicated that he had “desperate” the governor to whom he indicated that the crime of insult and slander was being applied against him, arguing that at no time had he plagiarized projects, as Aguilar points out in the statement, confirming that the president allegedly belonged to a “paraco and corrupt” clan and reminding him of the fate of dad and brother's.

This is not the first time that the deputy and president of Santander escalate their disputes to the courts, last year Ferley Sierra announced that he would bring legal action against the governor of Santander, Mauricio Aguilar, for the alleged violation of biosecurity measures during the celebration of his birthdays in the seat of the governorate.