Camilo and Evaluna: Indigo will not bear the Montaner surname and this is why

He also knows how much the millionaire fortune of Indigo's parents amounts to.

This question has been exposed on social networks where many people were doubtful about the baby's full name. Will it be Indigo Echeverry Montaner? The answer is no.


It is common knowledge that the full name of the Colombian singer is Camilo Andrés Echeverry Correa, but in the case of Evaluate the figure changes.

The thing is that the Venezuelan artist has become known worldwide as Evaluna Montaner; however, her real name is Evaluna Mercedes Reglero Rodríguez, but how is this possible?

This comes from the appearance of his father in the art world, the renowned singer Ricardo Montaner. It turns out that the singer's full name is Hector Eduardo Reglero Montaner, but the artist originally from Argentina used his mother's surname to launch his artistic career.

Therefore, the full name of Evaluna and Camilo's baby will be Indigo Echeverry Reglero (if they don't decide to give it a middle name).

Evaluna embarazada. (Foto: Captura @evaluna)


It's no secret that the couple has achieved great success in the world of music, digital platforms and streaming. In addition, they have one with a very large community worldwide called “The Tribe”.


In the case of Evaluna, being the daughter of Ricardo Montaner, she has always been very famous and since she was a child she has worked as an actress, singer and image for various brands, so her fortune must be very considerable, although so far there is no way to calculate it exactly.

He has a YouTube channel in which, apart from publishing his music, he also shares tips and various topics that are outside of music.

According to the Statmash platform, which analyzes statistical data about YouTube channels and their growth over time, Evaluna Montaner has about 4 million subscribers, 600 million views and in total I would have earned 418 thousand dollars.

To that amount you have to add the video clips in which she has been a director, the royalties of her songs and the contracts with various brands for advertising. The sum would be much larger.


Colombian Camilo Echeverry, has had a very different life than Evaluna. He dreamed of being an artist from a very young age and to achieve this he had to work in a cafeteria in order to help his parents. He did this while he was still attending school.

He also helped his father in the work of beekeeping. He then participated in a television program called “Factor X”, in which he would win and in turn mark a before and after in his life, not only as a singer, but also as a person.

It was since then that he decided to maintain his presence in artistic life and ventured more strongly into the musical field. Thanks to her various songs, presentations and so on, until the end of 2020, her fortune was estimated at 2 million dollars, according to the media Minuto Mx and Ella E! Online.

He also has a strong presence on YouTube and according to the Statmash portal, Camilo has nearly 15 million subscribers and more than 5.6 billion views, generating a approximate revenue of 8.8 million dollars until March 2022.

Ricardo Montaner reveals an approximate date for the birth of indigo