During the meeting of the Council, the Ministers in Huancayo, Aníbal Torres announced that the Government will present before Congress a constitutional reform bill banning monopolies, oligopolies and dominant positions.
While presenting his speech, the head of the PCM stated that this proposal aims to prevent centers of economic power from setting high prices for products, which affect the most vulnerable.
“We, within that social market economy, will submit to Congress a bill that the Constitution prohibits monopolies, oligopolies and dominant positions,” commented the premier.
It is worth mentioning that when the president arrived in the city of Huancayo, the protesters did not hesitate to shout and booe him, at the same time they shouted that they wanted a change of Constitution, as he promised during the election campaign.
On the other hand, several leaders have denounced that they are not allowed to enter the Wanka Coliseum, where the council session was held.
“As citizens we are coming peacefully to be able to enter, there are the peasant communities with their representatives and they are not letting them in. What we want is for the real representatives of the people to be admitted so that they can dialogue with the president. They are all representatives and accredited by their communities. There are about 20 people,” the lieutenant governor of Auquimarca told Latina.
For his part, the representative of the Front for Defence for Development of the province of Junín indicated that those who entered the meeting today with the ministers and President Castillo would have been drawn.
“The document has been presented to you in advance and they won't let us in. They indicate that they have drawn. We've been here since yesterday, we've spent a whole night here. We do not know how they handled it, but we have presented in time the leaders who have been here, but nevertheless they have not considered us. I want to make it known that my people are here, they are already organized, they are definitely going to come and take strong actions because here they are dealing in favor of the Government and not the people,” he said.
In turn, Deniss Zanabria, representative of the peasant communities of the province of Huancayo, also denounced that he has not been formally invited to this Thursday's meeting.
“We want to express our deepest rejection of our Government since, given the current situation, the social, political and economic crisis that the country is experiencing, in order to contribute as peasant communities that are the backbone of our country, at the time of the beginning of this meeting with President Castillo we have not been called to even though we have met at the level of the peasant communities of the province of Huancayo and have been elected to participate in the work tables, the technical tables, however, at the time of taking the technical table we have not been formally notified to be part of this meeting,” he said. .
The President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, participated today in the IV Decentralized Council of Ministers in Huancayo, which aims to work on the Territorial Development Agenda of the Junín region.
The session was held at the Wanka Coliseum “Angelica Quintana” as part of the agreements reached with transport and farmers' organizations, within the framework of the dialogue with the Executive.
The Chief of the Ministerial Cabinet, Aníbal Torres and Ministers of State, as well as the regional governor of Junín, Fernando Orihuela Rojas, congressmen representing this region and provincial mayors participate in the meeting.