In his participation in the Decentralized Council of Ministers in Huancayo, Junín, the President of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, used as a good example the management of the Nazi genocide Adolf Hitler in the construction of motorways in Germany during the 1930s.
“On one occasion Adolf Hitler visits northern Italy and Mussolini shows him a motorway built from Milan. Hitler saw that, went to his country and filled it with highways, airports and made it the world's first economic power,” he said.
Meanwhile, the philosopher and radio host Fernando Carvallo criticized the quote by Aníbal Torres and explained that it is not accurate, since, as he pointed out, the one who proposed the construction of several motorways was Konrad Adenauer, who at the time was mayor of Cologne (1917-1933).
He added that Hitler then proposed to make more roads to prepare for the Second World War, which left millions of deaths.