Alexandra Montoya gave new details about her departure from 'MasterChef Celebrity'

After the controversy generated by her decision among viewers and collaborators of the program, the imitator stopped the criticism with a few words


It has been a month since imitator Alexandra Montoya decided to leave the competition of 'MasterChef Celebrity Colombia', which became quite a unique event for the cooking show, considering that it had never happened in its version for this country.

This decision generated a lot of reactions among viewers, who divided opinions between those who considered it a success and those who dismissed it in criticism, even calling it a 'coward'.

Faced with all this controversy, the lawyer also spoke on the radio space of 'La Luciérnaga' (Caracol Radio), where she works, and thanked the organization for supporting her when she had to leave to dedicate herself to cooking.

And although she was unable to reveal more details of her departure due to a confidentiality clause that she signed when she entered the competition and started the recordings within 'the most famous cuisine in the world', Alexandra Montoya assured that she will respect what was agreed with RCN Televisión on this subject, as long as her right to freedom of expression as dictated by the Political Constitution of Colombia in article 20.

Similarly, 'the woman of a thousand voices' referred to the annoyance that her resignation generated in the presenter Claudia Bahamón, who said at the time that she did not even give herself the opportunity to truly understand what the participants are experiencing in MasterChef Celebrity.”

Finally, Montoya took advantage of his speech on Caracol Radio to make an invitation not to judge this type of decision, since he admits that it takes enough 'character' to make them.

“I invite you not to allow anyone to pretend to 'sterotype' them as weak because we made these kinds of decisions or that we are controversial, quarrels or that we are too big. That doesn't have any different name and it's called character. And I decided to leave because I wasn't happy and that's it, he concluded.


For now, the participants who have not convinced the qualifying jury of Chris Carpentier, Jorge Rausch and Nicolás de Zubiria, are Natalia Ramírez (although she returned after Alexandra Montoya's retirement), 'Lucho' Arango, Lady Noriega, Jair Romero, Maria Teresa Barreto and Carolina Gomez.

Ramiro Meneses (actor and director), Martín Karpan (Argentine actor), Manuela González (actress), Aida Morales (actress), Tatán Mejia (athlete), Isabela Santiago (Venezuelan actress), Tostao (singer), Aco Pérez (actor), Aida Bossa (actress and singer), Carlos Báez (actor), Cristina Campuzano continue to compete (actress), Corozo ( troubadour), Pamela Ospina (comedian), Estiwar G (influencer) and Chicho Arias (comedian).