Afore: what are the 8 ways to achieve voluntary savings

The minimum amount of a contribution by the mechanism of your choice is 50 pesos

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 24FEBRERO2022.- El nuevo Billete de 50 pesos pertenece a la familia G emitida por el Banco de México, el cual tiene como sus principales características de diseño adverso: imagen del ajolote; canales de Xochimilco, símbolo metztlii (luna); símbolo ollin (movimiento); imagen de la piedra del sol: imagen teocalli de la Guerra Sagrada; y murales de la Gran Tenochtitlán De Diego Rivera. FOTO: MARIO JASSO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

Saving voluntarily is the only way to increase the pension and achieve a better future life, as announced by the Mexican Association of Retirement Fund Managers (Amafore). Given this, in this digital space we will present at least 8 simple ways to save an 'extra' to your Afore account.

It will be necessary to remember that the Retirement Fund Managers (Afores) are responsible for safeguarding the resources of workers, to deliver them in the form of a pension upon reaching retirement.

According to Amafore, the responsibility for inflating pension resources lies with each person, so it will be necessary to make voluntary savings, where the most important thing in this process is to be constant.

And there is no specific amount to save in your Afore account. According to experts, the percentage you want to allocate can range from 1% to 13%, or whatever you want. This amount must be contributed from the basic salary of each employee and, as the name implies, on a voluntary basis.


The National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar) announced that there are at least 8 easy and safe options for making voluntary savings.

What are they?

1.- Commercial networks

The interested party may deposit in the more than 17,000 points of sale in the country. The only requirements to do this is to have your Unique Population Registration Key (CURP) and your Afore account at hand.

The minimum saving is 50 pesos and you can contribute what you want. Once at the property, please inform the cashier of the amount to be paid, as well as the requirements mentioned above.

2.- Apps

Workers will be able to download one of the applications to transfer such as the so-called “Transfer” or do it through an SMS message. In this case, only your CURP will need to be granted.

Deposits may be reviewed and verified through the statements of account.

3.- AforeMobile

This is another application that will be used to make voluntary contributions from 50 pesos and up to 200 pesos without a credit card. While with a debit card you can save up to 10,000 pesos.

Once the application is installed on the cell phone you will need to enter the option “Online Savings”, then choose the card option that is required and enter the data.


4.- Earn Savings

This strategy goes hand in hand with AforeMóvil, since through the consumption of products and services, interested parties will be able to accumulate a certain amount of money in their Afore account, at no extra cost.

5.- E-SAR

In this case, voluntary savings will be made by entering the E-SAR web platform at: You will then have to search for the “start your voluntary savings” service and you must select “domicile your IMSS or ISSSTE voluntary savings”, as the case may be.

You will then need to capture the bank details, the contribution you want and request to write down the email.

6.- Afores

Citizens must enter the portal of their Afore where they are registered.

7.- Window of the Afore

Workers will be able to go to the Administrator where they keep their savings and make their deposit following the instructions at the counter.

8.- Pattern

The interested party should go to the human resources area and ask what is the procedure for making the savings.

It will be important to remember that if it is decided to make voluntary savings, it will be essential to designate the beneficiaries, because in the event of death, they are who should receive the accumulated resources.