To meet a challenge, thirteen high school students in Cúcuta consumed viagra with passion fruit juice and ended up in the hospital

Young people between 14 and 15 years old were meeting a challenge that is trendy on social media.

At the San Bartolomé school in Cucuta, 13 students had health problems, after fulfilling a social media challenge that involved the consumption of the pill recognized as viagra. The students were taken to a medical center and left hospitalized.

It appears that young people are between 14 and 15 years old and belong to the ninth grade. The medicine was mixed with passion fruit during the break, but after a lax of time they began to feel the effects like tachycardia, so they were transferred to Atalaya polyclinic.

For her part, the rector of the school, Astrid Leonor Álvarez, in a statement called on parents to teach young people how to use social networks correctly, so that they do not fall into these kinds of challenges that may compromise their health.

“Due to the situation, the institution proceeded to activate the care route to settle atypical behaviors that affect the good image of the institution. I urge parents to guide, accompany and follow up with their children on the proper management and use of social networks,” he said in the statement.

He added that “the incident was dealt with immediately; therefore, the headquarters is operating in complete normality”, emphasizing that students were attended to quickly and classes on the school campus continued unchanged.

The president of the school indicated that the case has already been brought to the attention of the Children and Adolescents Police, which will assume the situation and begin the investigation process. It was also known that the students are under strict medical observation.

It should be recalled that, in mid-February of this year in the municipality of Piojó, located in the north of the department of Atlántico, after six minors, aged 11 to 13, were apparently poisoned with viagra, the drug used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men.

The events occurred when young people of grade eleven mixed viagra with a soda and, as a joke, gave it to preadolescents who, after ingesting the drink, had to be referred to a health care center, which caused a great fright to the parents of those affected.

The incident generated so much indignation that even the Ministry of Health of Piojó had to pronounce itself clarifying the medical procedure provided to the most affected student. In addition, they announced that the authorities of this Atlantic sector are already investigating what happened in order to provide the corresponding corrective measures.

This case is in addition to the case that became known in the same month, when an 11-year-old minor died in the El Rincón neighborhood, in the town of Suba (in Bogotá), under circumstances that remain under investigation. The family claims that it was poisoning from the consumption of hallucinogens that were found in a gum (candy), but the version is doubtful.

According to the minor's parents, he was at an aunt's house last night when, between 1:00 and 2:00 in the afternoon, he ate the candy and about 20 minutes later he felt sick and started strange behavior.