Three tips to make the most of online offers

Digital sales activation days are becoming increasingly attractive for Colombians. However, when it comes to buying, it is good to consider the advice of experts


A recent report published by the Chamber of Electronic Commerce entitled Electronic Commerce in 2021 and Outlook 2022, indicated that the trend of online shopping in Colombia is increasing. In 2021 alone, sales of 39.9 billion pesos were recorded, which meant an increase of 40.2% compared to 2020. Added to this new trend is a study published by Google Colombia, from which it can be inferred that the trend will continue, since 30% of Cyberlunes® buyers in July 2021 were new and within this group, 75% said they would buy again at future events.

“From the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce we see that people's usual and ordinary consumer habits are taking place through the digital channel what was not happening before in pre-pandemic moments, where electronic commerce was mainly focused on luxury and non-ordinary or habitual categories of goods, so this growth trend is maintained, so we see that these consumer habits will remain in the digital channel, and it will be one of the sectors that will continue to grow,” says Álvaro Umaña, corporate affairs manager of the Chamber of Electronic Commerce.

According to CCCE figures, in 2021, 31.2% of Colombians took advantage of it to buy clothes and accessories. Additionally, 28.1 percent bought electronic items such as video games, televisions, laptops and cell phones. Then, 18.9% opted for the purchase of household items, while personal care items, travel and food made up the rest of the purchase requests respectively.

But while shopping in this way is flattering, Umaña points out that there are several aspects to take into account to make the most of them.

When it comes to taking advantage, there are two aspects that are fundamental. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the product or service, not on the brand, since often covering the need takes precedence over a logo. On the other hand, the category “preferred by buyers” is the first to sell out. In that sense, in order to get what you are looking for, you often have to change your search and click on the specific sections of your interest, says Umaña.

The third advice provided by the expert has to do with the times. On the internet, as in physical stores, not letting the opportunity pass is key, because as the hours go by, the stock runs out. “If you find what you need and it's within your budget, take the opportunity to buy it,” he adds.

The fourth and final advice has to do with obtaining profits that certain stores grant for having bought them. Remember that many discounts don't end on the last day of CyberMonday® or when you cancel the cart amount, but also offer free shipping, discount codes for future purchases or exclusive limited-time offers. Likewise, there are also multiple payment methods at hand, which when used according to the store's sales conditions and the financing required, can be favourable to the end customer.