The truth behind the 2 thousand pesos banknote that Banxico will launch

An image of the supposed design of the ticket has been disseminated on social networks




The Banco de México (Banxico) confirmed the arrival of a new 2,000-peso banknote that will be part of the G family. These banknotes are characterized by certain security elements such as touch-sensitive reliefs, folios, crescent folios, linear backgrounds and fluorescence. The supposed design of the new banknote is already circulating with the face of writer Octavio Paz and journalist Rosario Castellanos in front.

In social networks users comment that the theme will be Mexico Contemporáneo, so the ticket will bring in the back old installations of Mexican tequila companies, the ecosystem of dry forests, a magueyero bat and the agave. For his part, Banxico indicated that no design of 'wste has been published, however, some elements are contemplated to make it up.

Imagen de la fachada del Banco de México Foto por CUARTOSCURO

If for some reason the design of the G family banknote were real it could have a big impact like some predecessors. Such is the case of the 50-peso bill with the axolotl. According to IBNS, it is the most beautiful in the world and Mexico occupies that place for the second year in a row. In the competition there were twenty nominees among more than a hundred new banknotes. The axolotl banknote stole all attention by winning even the 200-dobra banknote from Sao Tome and Principe, the 10,000 colones from Costa Rica and the 50-pound banknote from the bank of England.

The G family of banknotes is part of a plan put forward by the Banco de México since 2013, but it was not until 2018 that they began to be introduced. So far the best-known specimens that are circulating in Mexico are 50 pesos, 1000 pesos and 20 pesos.

New 1000 pesos G banknote

Billete nuevo de $1000 pesos, es de los pocos ejemplares con dos mujeres al frente y un hombre.

The date of approval of the sketch by the governing board was June 18, 2018 and it was printed in November 2019 at the Jalisco banknote factory. On the front it has the faces of Carmen Serdán, Hermila Galindo and Francisco I. Madero along with the photograph of the locomotive 279 and the drawing of a jaguar. This design is particular because only eleven Mexican banknotes have had three characters together; only eight have two women and one man.

New 50 pesos banknote

El emblemático billete del ajolote es uno de los billetes más hermosos del mundo. Fotos por Banco de México/Cuartoscuro

The Governing Board accepted the draft of this banknote on June 19, 2020 and its printing was on June 16, 2021. The designs that characterize this are images of the Piedra del Sol, Teocalli of the Sacred War as well as the mural of La Gran Tenochtitlan by Diego Rivera, the symbols of metztli and two houses and finally the canals of Xochimilco with a famous Mexican aquatic animal; axolotl. The most notable feature of this copy is that it does not have people in it, this type of banknotes began to circulate from 1822.

20 pesos commemorative note of the Bicentennial of National Independence

El el nuevo billete de 20 pesos forma parte de los actos conmemorativos de los 200 años de la consumación de la Independencia de México. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

This ticket was approved on December 11, 2019 and by April 29, 2021 it was being printed at the Jalisco Banknote Factory. On the obverse of this is the painting called Solemn and Peaceful of the Army of the Three Guarantees to Mexico City on September 27, 1821; the flag of the Trigarante Army and the model of the National Flag. On the back is an image of the Sian Ka'An Reserve; as well as that of the chocolate heron and the Mexican crocodile. This banknote is the first in our history with a mixed format, that is, its front side is horizontal and its back is vertical.


