Superior Court of Justice: This is how were the offices that looted vandals after protests against Pedro Castillo

According to the videos, they took everything from computers to medicines from the medicine cabinet.


Demonstrations against Pedro Castillo's government resulted in looting in different parts of downtown Lima. Such is the case of the headquarters of the High Court of Justice, which suffered the attack of vandals and the theft of computers, extinguishers, furniture, ventilators and even medicines from a medicine cabinet.

At first, it was only known that the façade of the premises, located at the crossroads of Abancay avenues with Nicolás de Piérola, had been destroyed with stones and sticks. However, minutes later, members of the Peruvian National Police warned that a group of protesters had entered the establishment.

According to a report by RPP, the protesters, after destroying the gate, attacked the security guards and broke into the judicial headquarters. As a result, agents of the PNP used tear gas bombs to dispel the subjects, but failed to remove them.

The president of the judiciary, Elvia Barrios, said that the vandals tried to burn the basements of the Superior Court of Justice where there are files of different kinds. “It's a group that seems to be targeted,” he told the media outlet.


Thanks to videos posted on social networks, it became known how it looked inside the looted headquarters of the High Court of Justice. The images show how the offices on the first floor of the former Ministry of Education were destroyed. “All the computer equipment took away,” says the person who recorded the clip.

“People who entered violently managed to break into the offices on the first floor of Lima's Superior Court of Justice,” he continues in another video, while in the background there is a demonstration taking place in the streets.

In a last clip, it is seen how the topical area was also destroyed, with the furniture upside down and the medicine cabinets destroyed. They even report that the drugs were taken from the place.

“According to the images recorded by personnel of the judiciary, the attackers took everything from medicines from the topical area to computers,” explained Ernesto Cabral, who specified that “on the first floor of the Alzamora Valdez Building (affected by the attack) there is the Office of Verbal Complaints of the ODECMA (Deconcentrated Office of Control of the Magistracy)”.

