Pedro Castillo would be close to convening the National Accord, according to Minister Roberto Sánchez

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism pointed out that coordination is being carried out to set the date and time of the meeting.


The last few days have been extremely difficult for the Pedro Castillo government to face to a surprising rise in prices for various products that caused the unrest of the population. Demonstrations, blockades, clashes, deaths, negotiations with guilds, together with the looting of recent days, force the president to find ways out of the crisis that the country is facing today. Among the initiatives to hear various points of view is the convening of the National Accord, a measure that would be formalized in the next few hours according to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez.

One important thing mentioned in Congress has been the need for the convening of the National Accord. This forum is an important space for all of us to meet. In the next few hours, the president will coordinate to schedule a day and time because he proposed and I think it is sensible (to do so) at this time of considerable concern,” said Minister Sánchez.

| Foto: Andina

It should be recalled that the meeting had been scheduled to begin at the end of March, but since President Castillo had to face a second vacancy attempt, he decided to find a new date. It is expected that in the next few hours, as the minister has pointed out, the head of state will announce the call.

For his part, the president of the National Assembly of Regional Government, Paul Benavente, called for the immediate convening of the National Accord among all its members in order to take action to resolve the crisis that has already claimed the lives of five citizens during the demonstrations.

It is a time in which we must take an overall look and give a message of stability to the country in a forum where the authorities of the government, the Congress, the judiciary, regional governors, mayors, the Church, evangelicals, Confiep, CGTP, professional associations and all the institutions that participate in it make up “, said the official who is also the regional governor of Cusco.

It is the only way out where political stability is essential so that, within this framework, sensible, intelligent, immediate and short-term measures can be announced to the country,” he emphasized.


Despite the immobilization measure, several citizens gathered in downtown Lima to protest against President Castillo's government. In other regions of the country, there were also protests related to the transport union. In Huánuco, the death of an 18-year-old boy was confirmed, while clashes with the police, looting and destruction of public property were confirmed in Lima.

I understand the discomfort in all of Lima and Callao, but today we don't mourn any deaths. Today is a time of good sense, self-criticism will always be there, but it is not done out of ill will or on a whim. Difficult decisions are made, but today we believe that we must turn the page (...) If there were sectors that thought that the prairie was going to burn down today, they were wrong,” was Roberto Sánchez's comment.

The headquarters of institutions such as the National Jury of Elections, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Superior Court of Justice were damaged by protesters. In the case of the latter, the attempt to generate a fire was confirmed, but the workers present managed to contain the fact. However, furniture and computers were stolen from the institution. The Ministry of the Interior confirmed that at least 25 policemen had to be taken to hospital because of the damage suffered by the fighting.

