PAN, PRI and MC deputies resigned from Mexico-Russia friendship group

The legislator by National Action, Hector Saul Tellez, notified his decision to the lower house on the “insensitivity of the deputies of the PT and Morena to the deployment of weapons in the Ukrainian country by Russia

Opposition deputies in San Lazaro announced their departure from the Mexico-Russia Friendship Group in rejection of the country's invasion of Ukraine, this, after a US congressman requested to withdraw the visas of Mexican politicians that make up the Committee.

This was announced by the legislator for the National Action Party (PAN), Hector Saul Tellez Hernández, through his Twitter account, where he indicated that he notified the lower house of his decision because of the “insensitivity of the deputies” of the Labor Party and the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) to the deployment of weapons in the Ukrainian country by Russia.

Information in development