March against Pedro Castillo: Peruvian celebrities who protested in San Martín Square

Several figures from the show came to Plaza San Martín to ask for the resignation or vacancy of the president of Peru.

On Monday night, President Pedro Castillo announced in a message to the Nation that Metropolitan Lima and the constitutional province of Callao would enter a state of emergency due to protests by carriers over the increase in fuel. In order to stop the riots in the capital, the president ordered a curfew from 02.00 to 23.59 hours on Tuesday, 5 April.

However, this did not prevent hundreds of Peruvians from taking to the streets to protest against the government. Thus, from the early hours of the morning, a mobilization was called at 3 p.m. in the Plaza San Martín, which went viral on social networks with hashtags #FueraCastillo and #TodosALaCalle.

Despite the fact that in the afternoon and when he met with the Board of Spokespersons of the Congress of the Republic, President Castillo announced that he was repealing the measure, the march continued. This meeting was joined by several famous Peruvians, who came to Plaza San Martín to ask that the president of Peru be removed from the government palace.


The former reality boy published through his Instagram stories that he was in Plaza San Martín, being one of the first public figures to make his appearance. After shouting “Out Castillo!” , wrote on his platform: “In the union is strength, let's go Peru!” , “Let's get him out, with faith”, “Let no one take away our freedom. Here's your curfew.”

Mario Hart asistió a la Plaza San Martín para protestar contra el Gobierno de Pedro Castillo. (Foto: Instagram)


The hosts of Amor y Fuego, a program that was canceled due to the national juncture, were present at the demonstration. The popular 'Peluchín' posted a video on his Instagram where he is seen protesting alongside his partner. “Urgent, new president! New Congress”, the figures of Willax Tv as well as the people around them are heard shouting.


The blonde driver from América Hoy, who attended wearing a Peruvian t-shirt, interviewed some of the people who were injured during the protest. She didn't have a good time either, since she dropped a tear gas bomb very close to her. “The march got out of control. First time a few tear gas bombs have been dropped near me, but we'll keep fighting until Castillo leaves. #CastilloRenunciaElPuebloTeRepudia,” Horna wrote.

Brunella Horna en la marcha contra Castillo. (Foto: Instagram)


The Peruvian actress came to Plaza San Martín to raise her voice of protest with hundreds of citizens. In an interview with ATV, she pointed out that not only in Lima they want the departure of the head of state, but much of Peru has also requested it. Through her networks, she was seen singing “Contigo Peru” to encourage more compatriots to take to the streets.


Although he was criticized on networks for being the leader of the march against Pedro Castillo, called “Great March for Freedom”, the actor was not afraid and was present at the San Martin Square. “Here we are, Peruvians of all blood. Don't lose your freedom, defend it with your life for your present and future. Here, in our beautiful Peru. We are waiting for you!” , he wrote on Twitter.

Michael Finseth fue líder de la “Gran marcha por la libertad”. (Foto: Twitter)


The actor who will play Paolo Guerrero in a Netflix biographical series documented all the details of the march against Castillo. According to him, the police intended to disperse the demonstrators even though the demonstration was peaceful. “The protest is peaceful, there are no riots, we are singing. Why do you want to send water pumps? Why do they want to drop tear gas bombs?” , is heard on his Instagram stories.