March against Pedro Castillo: looting and destruction were recorded in the historic center of Lima

Videos posted on social networks showed the vandalism of some of the protesters.


The rejection of the measures adopted by the Pedro Castillo government, mobilized several citizens to the historic center of Lime. What would be a peaceful demonstration soon became violent by the actions of several citizens. However, attacks against the Peruvian National Police (PNP) would not be the only crime recorded. During the night, looting was carried out in shops and headquarters of public entities, as well as destruction and attempted arson happily controlled by the authorities.

As is often the case in the marches that take place in downtown Lima, protesters try to reach the Congress venue to Abancay Avenue. This time, as in the past, they ran into a police encirclement that forced them to back off. It was at that time that some protesters began the vandalism, starting with the headquarters of the Public Ministry located on the well-known avenue. Television cameras showed images of broken door windows and even a bench running through one of the entrances.

One of the most alarming moments occurred at the seat of the Superior Court of Justice in Lima. Some protesters entered through the back of the headquarters, managing to steal furniture, computers and even fire extinguishers that they used in their attempt to repel the police. Several videos disseminated through social networks show the state in which several offices were left. For her part, the president of the judiciary, Elvia Barrios, said that an attempt was made to burn the basements of the Court and noted that “it is a group that seems to be directed”.

The headquarters of the National Elections Jury located a few steps from San Martín Square was also attacked by a group of protesters. The surrounding press teams reported that stones were thrown at the headquarters of this institution. In addition, the Metropolitan station near this entity was also destroyed. The whereabouts of buses were covered with broken glass.


Congressman Jorge Montoya supported the measure announced by Pedro Castillo to declare social immobility during April 5 due to suspicions of possible looting in various areas of the capital. Although these did not happen during the early hours of the day and afternoon, at the end of the anti-government demonstration, a group of vandals entered a well-known establishment in downtown Lima.

The Tambo store located near the crossroads of Camana and Emancipación avenues was looted. The images released reveal how some criminals cause damage to enter the establishment. Seconds later, a mob of vandals joins and enters to leave soon carrying products that are commonly sold in this type of store. There was no police presence in this downtown area, so the perpetrators had time to struggle the door of the establishment.

However, it would not be the only establishment of this brand that would have been affected. A publication by journalist Rodrigo Cruz shows another store in Tambo that had been vandalized. In the shared video, it is possible to see a group of police officers located in the vicinity of the premises so that passers-by do not enter. In this case it would be the Tambo located on Nicolás de Piérola Avenue a few blocks from San Martín Square. So far, the number of detainees following the acts described is not known.
