Ica: This is how the truce was reached to free traffic on the Pan-American Highway South

After agreeing with the Police, agricultural workers and transporters from the Chinatown and Expansión areas allow vehicles to pass through.


Momentary truce. Agricultural workers and transport workers from the Ica region reached an agreement with the Police and decided to allow passage, for a period of two hours (up to 2 p.m.) of buses, trucks and private vehicles that had been stranded on the Pan-American Highway South since Monday, April 4.

The roads were opened in the areas of Chinatown, at kilometer 278, and Expansión, at kilometer 290, at the entrance to the Salas-Guadalupe district.


As you recall, last Sunday at 11:50 in the evening there began a strike of heavy cargo carriers due to the increase in fuel and which was due to end on Tuesday night. However, the measure of force was also taken by farmers in the area who protest the rise in price of some foods.

That is why, early Wednesday, when the police were trying to clear the tracks, the protesters tried to take the tracks again and the confrontation with law enforcement officers began. The police were outnumbered by protesters, who ended up taking the road at kilometers 278 (Chinatown) and 290 (Expansion).

In the morning, the attack was recorded on several interprovincial transport buses. Some passengers even reported that they had been robbed and looted.

There were new clashes with the police and a 24-year-old deceased (Yonhy Quito Contreras) was recorded as a result of an impact on the head.

In addition, there were also attacks on the Villacuri police station (Kilometer 276), which they had tried to burn, but the police managed to defend the police post and seek to appeal to dialogue.

After a few hours of talks, the protesters decided to open the road for two hours. They indicated that they hope to talk to some minister of state to reach solutions and demanded, among other things, the closure of the Congress.

Manifestantes en Barrio Chino, Ica. | Imagen: Latina Noticias

The leaders denied that they caused the excuses that occurred this morning and denounced that these acts of violence were carried out by infiltrators.


The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chávarry, reported that he is going to that city, in order to reinforce the work of police officers.

The head of the interior said that he is traveling with 150 agents of the National Directorate of Special Operations (Dinoes), who will support the troops in the area, in the face of road blockades by some vandals.

At noon, Alfonso Chávarry was already flying over the area and would talk to the protesters.

A bordo de un helicóptero, el titular del Mininter reconoce los daños provocados en la Panamericana Sur, en la zona conocida como Barrio Chino.


On the other hand, the president of the Chamber of Tourism and Foreign Trade of Paracas (Capatur), Eduardo Jáuregui, called on ending as soon as possible the problems that occur on the Pan-American Highway South in order not to affect the region in all its areas.

He stated that although this situation does not particularly affect Paracas because the problems are further south, this does not prevent a more severe intervention by law enforcement agencies, even with intelligence strategies to capture the vandals who are responsible for the destruction of tolls in the area of Chinatown, kilometer 278.