Gian Marco calls for union between Peruvians after riots in the march against Pedro Castillo

The singer-songwriter called for reflection after looting and destruction were recorded in the Historic Center of Lima.


The rejection of the measures adopted by the Pedro Castillo government, including the which ended up being lifted hours later, mobilized several citizens to San Martín Square on the night of April 5. Hundreds of citizens protested against the Government; however, what began as a peaceful march ended with riots in the Historic Center of Lima.

During the night, looting was carried out in shops and headquarters of public entities, as well as damage and an arson attempt, which luckily was controlled by the authorities. In addition, numerous vandals infiltrated the demonstration to attack police, civilians and journalists who were trying to capture their faces in images for further investigation.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Health, the result of the demonstrations recorded in the capital was 11 wounded in total. Five of them were civilians and six members of the Peruvian National Police. However, the Ministry of the Interior reported that some 25 personnel of the Special Services Unit (USE) of the PNP were injured by violence that occurred near Abancay Avenue.

Faced with this bleak panorama, the prominent singer Gian Marco sent a thoughtful message on his social networks, remembering that he wrote the song Todos We are a People in 2012 to encourage all Peruvians to unite for the same cause, since they were all born on the same land despite differences in racial and socio-economic status.

Ever since I can remember, I've always heard politicians utter the word pueblo. Over the years I grew up and I realized that it was used to separate social classes, colors, races. Pueblo is not a neighborhood, a district, a specific city, or the color of the skin, the singer-songwriter wrote at first.

“People are you, me. People are all who were born on our land. Pueblo, we are all those who seek, create and find opportunities, even if there are more doors that close than open. Life is like that, the world is like that. Let's not let them separate us any more, he said.

Gian Marco envía reflexivo mensaje tras marcha contra Pedro Castillo (Foto: Instagram)


Since 3 p.m., hundreds of Peruvians participated in the anti-government march, which went viral on social media with the hashtags #FueraCastillo and #TodosALaCalle. This demonstration was joined by several famous Peruvians, who called on a viva voz that the president of Peru be removed from office.

Mario Hart, Rodrigo González, Gigi Mitre, Brunella Horna, Vanessa Terkes, Michael Finseth and Nikko Ponce were some of the media figures that were seen in the so-called “Great March for Freedom”. However, the one who received a wave of criticism was the remembered actor of This is Life and a Thousand Trades.

It turns out that Finseth was chosen as one of the heads who would carry out the demonstration along with Vanya Thais, Diego Acuña and Alia Bustamente. As a result, some netizens highlighted that it was possible to choose better representatives, while others mocked the actor.

Figuras nacionales marcharon a la Plaza San Martín para pedir la renuncia o vacancia de Pedro Castillo. (Foto: Composición Infobae)

