The return to school has been one of the most requested by parents and students and this is because in most cases, as well as minors and their parents have agreed that learning is not the same when virtual education is compared with face-to-face education, especially if the student is at an early age.
There are courses that by themselves in the face-to-face mode already presented some difficulty at the time of explaining and for students to understand, this has been further deepened with the virtual classes. And that is the case with the mathematical foundations courses. In recent months, a little-known word has emerged in the educational environment and that is dyscalculia. What is it about and what does it mean?
Dyscalculia is a disorder in the learning of mathematics related to understanding numerical concepts, such as their memorization, the distinction between quantities, recognition of digits and fluency of calculation. Like other learning difficulties, dyscalculia is not an inability to learn; on the contrary, the person can learn but has a different way of processing mathematical information.
Specialists mention that the process of learning mathematics for children who have discalculia must be done in a personalized way.
“Children with dyscalculia must learn mathematics in a personalized way, so that they can move without frustration to a more abstract application of numbers. Education must be inclusive and respectful of each child's potential,” said Javier Arroyo, Smartick's virtual learning expert.
In order to identify it, it is a matter of paying attention to everyday things such as not being able to read a hand clock, showing difficulty memorizing telephones, difficulty reading and writing quantities, errors in understanding the decimal system, or if it is difficult to do mental calculations , among other cases. This can cause frustration in children and low self-esteem, even developing anxiety about homework, which at first impression could be “pointed out” as lazy “and that he does not like the course”, causing the real problem is even more difficult to identify.
In order to give visibility to this learning disorder, a dyscalculia test has been developed, a standardized online and free tool for children from first to fourth grade, which allows the risk of dyscalculia to be identified in just 15 minutes, using simple tests of different mathematical skills. This tool was created by Smartick in collaboration with experts from the universities of Malaga and Valladolid.
“When a specific difficulty is identified in the test, it is advisable to go to a specialist who confirms the diagnosis and rules out that there is no other condition that could explain its poor performance”, explains Javier Arroyo.
Having mathematical difficulties can also respond to low motivation, an inadequate teaching method, little exposure to numbers, or children with unidentified special educational needs. That is why the importance of an early and adequate diagnosis.
FACT: It is important to take into account that with the advancement of technology, there are different artificial intelligence tools applied to education, which prove to be a great ally for cases such as dyscalculia.
To take the dyscalculia test you must CLICK HERE.