“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”: the best memes left by pre-sale in Mexico

The long-awaited film will hit the cinemas on May 4, one day earlier than planned in the country, as announced by “Marvel Studios” through its social networks


In the early morning of April 6, the special pre-sale for Doctor Strange tickets began in the Multiverse of Madness at the two most important cinema chains in Mexico, and as expected, the sites began to collapse after the lawsuit and which left some memes for posterity in social networks.

After the event, several Internet users on social networks began to gracefully recall some previous episodes they had experienced when facing the distressing moment of buying tickets for a Marvel film, which on this occasion will star Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange) and Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff)

The chaos led in large part to the fact that during the first days of April and through its social networks Marvel Studios announced the pre-sale for a special date that will take place on May 4 from 7:00pm and which will mark the start in Mexico of one of the most anticipated films of the year.

Doctor Strange 2: Memes que dejó la caída de Cineplanet, Cinemark y Cinépolis en plena preventa Foto: Twitter/@MrJaxGeek
Doctor Strange 2: Memes que dejó la caída de Cinépolis y Cinemex en plena preventa Foto: Facebook/@MarvelUniverse
Doctor Strange 2: Memes que dejó la caída de Cineplanet, Cinemark y Cinépolis en plena preventa Foto: Twitter/@MrJaxGeek

Some social media users, after the announcement of the special date launched by Marvel Studios at C inemex and Cinépolis, had already delved into what could be expected from the sale of tickets for Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness.

“Remember that the pre-release will be like the other shows that are the day before, but in normal time, it will not be at 00:00 on the 4th, it will probably be a couple of shows on the 4th between 7:00pm and 10:30 ″, “The premiere will be 19:00pm Mexico!! The schedule is like this because in Spiderman it still said 11 a.m., and at 11 a.m. it was! !” , are some of the commentaries recovered in the Cinépolis publication and which had a true basis for the time and schedule of the film.

On the other hand, some of the best images left by the fall of the Cinemex and Cinépolis system left the characteristic imprint of Mexican humor permeated social networks. In some memes they resumed some quotes from previous cuts of Marve l's Cinematographic Universe, as well as what was trending like Alfredo Adame who staged another failed brawl with the legal representative of Carlos Trejo.

Usuarios en redes sociales reaccionaron a la ciada de los cines en México tras la preventa de Doctor Strange Foto: Twitter/@andresmag
Usuarios reportaron la caída de Cinemex y Cinépolis de manera muy divertida en redes sociales Foto: Twitter/@PalomeraClub
Usuarios recuerdan la caída de los servidores de Cinépolis y Cinemex como en Spider-man: No Way Home y Avengers: End Game Foto: Twitter/@anapcrmz

The pre-sale of the film headed by the creator of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man trilogy, Sam Raimi, coincided with the release of a new generation of heroes at Marvel, such as Moon Knight, starring Oscar Isacc, and the project, where they collaborate with Sony, Morbius, starring Jared Leto.

This range of new heroes and characters seeks to set some precedents in Phase 4 and 5 at the UCM, following the death of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and the retirement of Captain America (Chris Evans.

The film, which will be released on May 4 in some cinemas in Mexico, will bring together a great cast such as Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Benedict Wong (Wong), Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez), Michael Stuhlbarg (Doctor West) and Rachel McAdams ( Christine Palmer).

On the other hand, the film production led by Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, will seek to give a little bit of everything that the important hero producer wants to do with the Multiverse that emerged from Spider-Man: No Way Home, where they brought together three generations of arachnid heroes, Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield

Usuarios reaccionaron a la caída de las plataformas digitales de Cinemex y Cinépolis Foto: Twitter/@MauroBoordon
Algunos recordaron la caída de las plataformas de los cines en México desde Spider-man o Avengers Foto: Twitter/@jodaroqui995

The film that will give continuity to what happened in Spider-Man: No Way Home and where it could also refer to what was presented by the Disney Plus series , Loki, most likely adds to the Multiverse of Marvel to The Illuminati and some other variants such as Mr. Fantastic, Magneto, Deadpool, Black Bolt, among others.