Congress of the Republic: Acción Popular Collects Signatures to Challenge Aníbal Torres

The parliamentarians expect the prime minister to explain the reasons why the curfew was ordered in Lima and Callao on Tuesday, April 5.


The Acción Popular Bank announced on Tuesday, April 5, that they will file a motion for interpellation against the President of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, to attend the Plenary of Congress and explain the basis of the supreme decree that ordered the curfew in Lima and Callao.

“We have submitted a motion for interpellation as a bench for the President of the Council of Ministers to attend the plenary session (...) so that he not only substantiates the conditions and justifications of this supreme decree of immobilization, but we want it and we need to know what the monitoring mechanism will be for the attention of the agreements adopted at the working groups that have been signed in Junín and that will be concretized into agreements”, announced the spokesperson of the bench, Elvis Vergara, during the meeting between representatives of the Executive and parliamentarians in the Legislative.

It is recalled that on the night of April 4, the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, announced the curfew from 2.00 am to 11.59 pm, a few hours before he entered in force. Major demonstrations took place, which ended in violence and looting.

According to a statement issued by the bank, the social immobilization that took place on Tuesday is “a repressive, disproportional and arbitrary measure that will cause the economic crisis to worsen even more.”

In the statement, Acción Popular announced its intention to challenge the premier and expressed its support for the demands of carriers and farmers, who have been facing an indefinite strike since last week.

“We demand that the Government take immediate action to comply with all agreements. We regret the deaths that occurred during the strike and extend our condolences to the families. We also demand a detailed report from the Ministry of the Interior, which must also record the state of health of the more than 200 injured as a result of unemployment”, the text reads.



The curfew in Lima and Callao triggered a protest against President Pedro Castillo on Tuesday, April 5 in downtown Lima, which became violent during the night. Some protesters even attacked public institutions such as the Superior Court of Justice in front of the University Park. In addition, it was reported that others entered a premises of the Tambo+ store in the Camaná shrew to steal liquors and other products. As a result of all the riots, the police arrested seven people who are currently in the Alfonso Ugarte police station in Cercado de Lima.

Police officers told the press that, of all those arrested, five will be reported for riots and aggravated robbery. The other two detainees, who include a minor, will be denounced for the crime of disturbance.


As mentioned, a group of people entered and looted the High Court. Thus, the National Police reported that fire extinguishers, minibar and keyboards from the judiciary were seized from them. Bottles of alcoholic beverages stolen from the Tambo+ store were also found on site.

The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chávarry, arrived at the Alfonso Ugarte police station and said that the social immobilization or curfew decreed for Tuesday by the Government was given precisely because there were intelligence reports warning of acts of vandalism and acts outside the law.

He also stated that he would go to the police stations in Cotabambas, San Andrés and Monserrat to see if there were other detainees from the protests, as there were reported to be 15 in total.

