Christian Nodal's alleged debt would have increased to more than 2 million pesos

According to the lawyer of the Chihuahuan businessman, the singer is sued for not performing at two concerts in this state




Since mid-March, rumors began about a lawsuit against Christian Nodal's parents, because he had committed a fraud, however, this day the program Ventaneando linked with the lawyer of a businessman, who assured that the singer's debt would be increasing.

In conversation with the Azteca evening, lawyer Carlos Morales assured that the businessman from Chihuahua sued Nodal for not showing up for two concerts and, moreover, not having returned the advance that was deposited to him.

According to the litigator, Christian Nodal's debt could have reached more than 1 million 100 thousand pesos accumulated to the initial amount of the deposit. And the fact is that the one represented by Carlos Morales, would have invested a certain amount of money in the concerts without those resources being used.

La demanda sería porque no se presentó a dos conciertos FOTO: ESTEBAN HERNÁNEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

“I want to clarify that yes, indeed, the advances of 650 thousand pesos were made, but apart from all the debt or rather the damage they caused to my representative (Nodal and his parents) already amounts to 1 million 100 thousand pesos because there were quite a few expenses inherent to such an event,” said Ventaneando Carlos Morales to Ventaneando.

In contrast, on March 24, the company JC Music issued a statement denying that Nodal or his team had received such a deposit:

“It is obvious that what the complainant intends today is to obtain economic gain in some way by trying to tarnish the good name of our artist, when it is fully known that the cancellation of the concerts referred to was solely and exclusively his responsibility, as will be credited at the time to the corresponding authority and of which we will keep you informed”, it was read in it.

La familia de Nodal ya enfrentaba otra demanda (Foto: Captura de pantalla/Ventaneando)

In this regard, and in conversation with the afternoon, the lawyer explained that, if the deposit were false, the authorities would not have taken the initiation of the legal process seriously. Carlos Morales pointed out that they have the documents on the deposit, which would not have been returned and would have already tripled by the accumulated expenses.

The answer was as follows:

“If we had not shown the Public Prosecutor's Office that at least this deposit was made as an advance payment for the contracting of a service, the Public Prosecutor's Office would not even have filed the complaint, we have the appropriate documents to prove that the amount of 650 thousand pesos was transferred to it by bank deposits and the other million and a half that is being claimed are the costs of an event, sound income, real estate income, the damage caused we are quantifying it in 2 million 150 thousand pesos”

So far, the defense of Nodal has not issued any comment on the matter, but the litigator of the Chihuahuan businessman reiterated that in the lawsuit, the 23-year-old singer, his artistic representative and two legal persons who are “the handlers” of the performer of Adiós Amor appear.

Foto: Instagram/@nodal

On the other hand, almost a month ago, new documents were exposed on another lawsuit against the Nodal family by the Ventaneando program on March 17.

In the afternoon of TV Azteca, it was deepened that the lawyers of the label went to the Attorney General's Office (FGR) to formalize the new complaint against Silvia Cristina Nodal and Jesús Jaime González Terrazas.

In this regard, the legal representatives of Universal Music reportedly pointed out that within the legal actions brought by the Nodal against the label were exhibited contracts with dates earlier than those signed with the production company.


