Carlos Loret de Mola responded to AMLO about alleged apartment in Miami: “I'll sell it to you and you can give it to your children”

The journalist pointed out that the president's assertions were slander and that everything was to hide the scandal of his son José Ramón Beltrán

During his morning conference this Wednesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that journalist Carlos Loret de Mola has enriched himself with based on lies and has multiple luxury properties both in Mexico and abroad.

It was Elizabeth García Vilchis, presenter of the section Who is who in the lies, who first asked the communicator about his alleged properties.

“The journalist Carlos Loret de Mola desperately seeks to be the figure of the opposition, in order to achieve this he does not mind spreading false notes, spreading leaks presented as journalistic investigations. Giving as truths what are assumptions, inferences or rumors, however, does not say anything about their properties. Neither of his 13 apartments in Mexico City valued at about 100 million pesos, nor even his apartment in Miami, Florida which is worth another 100 million pesos. Who pompó, would say Chico Ché!”

In this regard, Vilchis pointed out that the apparent property in the United States is in an exclusive area. He added that, according to the information of the corresponding real estate agency, he indicated that property prices ranged between $5 and $6 million.

El presidente criticó a Loret de Mola (Foto: Andrea Murcia/Cuartoscuro)

For his part, the president of the country pointed out that reports from the “citizens” reported that the communicator had an eight-hectare mansion in Valle de Bravo, valued at 120 million pesos and urged him to clarify which properties he has.

“A few days ago I commented that I would exchange (A Loret) his goods for mine, if he accepted I would go at bay,” Obrador commented.

Faced with these statements, Carlos Loret de Mola did not remain silent and from his Twitter account he responded emphatically to the president of Mexico.

“Today @lopezobrador_ comes up with that I have an apartment in Miami that is worth 5 million dollars! I'll sell it to you right now for $5 million. It'll be the business of my life. And he can give it to one of his children. The president no longer knows what to invent to attack me,” the journalist began to write.

He also pointed out that what was said during the morning conference were falsehoods, since it did not have the wide terrain of Valle de Bravo that AMLO mentioned.

Loret de Mola contra AMLO por supuestas propiedades (Fotos: Presidencia y Cuartoscuro.)

“Oh, and I also clarify the other lie that @lopezobrador_ told today: I don't have 8 hectares in any state of the Republic. So I'm sorry to disappoint you if I was looking to expropriate myself to give them to one of your kids,” he said.

Likewise, regarding the list of properties on display, Loret de Mola mocked the situation, mentioning that not all of those were his and took the opportunity to attack the president's son, who has recently been involved in controversy due to a journalistic investigation that was revealed earlier.

“And at once: in the @lopezobrador_ list of 13 supposedly mine departments, even those of my sisters-in-law appear! It is his slander to hide that his son # JoseraMonlopezBeltran48 became rich without working”, he said.

It should be recalled that the conflict between López Obrador and Loret de Mola escalated after the journalistic work of Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) and Latinus emerged which exposed the luxurious lifestyle of José Ramón, son of the president, compared to the austerity government constantly proclaimed by his father.

According to the investigation, José Ramon lived in a huge mansion in Conroe, Texas, owned by Baker Hughes, one of the largest oil companies in the world, later moved to a residence in the town of Cypress in Harris County that is in the name of his wife.

That is why, as Loret de Mola is one of those involved in collaborating with this report, the friction with the president has not stopped a bit and it seems that they will continue.