Angelica Lozano launched pullas at New Liberalism: “Celebrate its leap to Uribism”

The senator of the Green Alliance party questioned the entire community, which is part of the Esperanza Center Coalition, over Carlos Negret's decision to support Federico Gutiérrez


The first dissent of the reborn party of Luis Carlos Galán, Nuevo Liberalismo, surprised both members of the collective, as well as close and strangers. It was Carlos Negret, the former Ombudsman, the first to leave after having been ranked second on the list to the Senate who did not get any seats.

Just 20 days after the legislative elections and acknowledging the failure of the campaign, Negret stepped away from the flags of Juan Manuel and Carlos Fernando Galán to join the campaign of Federico Gutiérrez, who is the candidate of another coalition (Team for Colombia) that he has been a member of since he received the legal personality el Nuevo Liberalism (Center Hope Coalition).

Senator Angelica Lozano, who also belongs to the Centro Esperanza Coalition, after Negret's announcement, launched a criticism of the New Liberalism, assuming she had the support of the directors of the collective.

Lozano y Nuevo Liberalismo

“The @NvLiberalismo celebrates its advance and leap into uribism. Soooo that @CarlosFGalan and @juanmanuelgalan criticized the freedom adopted by the Green Party by statutory presidency since last year. Is it true that it is advanced coordinated by party directives? ”, he said on his Twitter account.

Although several members of the New Liberalism and the party directors say that this is an individual decision of the former Ombudsman, which should be reviewed by the internal authorities to maintain its link with the community, Lozano questions whether this is the case. There is another record nearby, key to Gutiérrez's campaign.

Lozano y Nuevo Liberalismo

“Oct 31, 2021 Lara, Fico's candidate for vice president explained her gratitude to the green and her joining the New Liberalism party as she resurfaced weeks earlier. What is false about Negret? Unfair in fact that they mention it as if it were an individual decision,” the senator wrote in another triune.

Lozano cited an interview that Rodrigo Lara Sánchez gave to the newspaper La Nación in October 2021, long before it became Gutiérrez's formula. At that time he said that he had been a member of Citizen Commitment with Sergio Fajardo, then in the Green Party in Mockus' presidential campaign.

“I am always grateful for the support that Green Alliance has given me. Just because you're migrating to another party doesn't mean you don't have an appreciation for them. With the New Liberalism, I have a historical responsibility and I say this with great humility,” he told that media outlet.

Lara Sánchez predicted success for the party that also helped found her father, but she would not have formally registered. When he announced his vice presidential candidacy alongside Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel Galán said he was “on fire”.

“Yes, if I'm on fire and a lot! Not only because I admire the human and intellectual qualities of @Rodrigo_LaraS, but above all because I would like him to be with us at @NvLiberalismo,” he said and rejected the decision to approach uribism and “continuity” that he says represents the candidacy of Federico Gutiérrez.

If she had formal ties with that community, Lara Sánchez could engage in double militancy, which would complicate her political aspirations.

Lozano has been a controversial voice within the Centro Esperanza Coalition. He initially condemned the New Liberalism's decision to make an independent list from that of the alliance to Congress and disagreed. A few days ago he would have expressed his disagreement with the election of Fajardo's vice-presidential formula.

Lozano y Nuevo Liberalismo

Carlos Fernando Galán, one of the party's directors, answered the pullas de Lozano. “Since Sergio Fajardo was elected candidate of the Coalition of Hope, I made the firm intention to play hard so that the candidacy of the center is viable and not to answer unfounded questions or react to personal attacks. I invite her to do the same,” the former candidate wrote in response to Lozano.