Alfonso Herrera will be the new Batman

The production will also feature Mexican actors Zuria Vega, Ana Brenda Contreras and Carlos Aragón


The Mexican performer, Alfonso Herrera, who for more than 10 years has sought to excel outside Mexico, will have the opportunity to play one of the most iconic heroes of DC Comics and Warner Bros, the former RBD will give life to the night watchman, Batman.

The 38-year-old Mexican history will be added to an original Spotify production, where he will perform as part of a podcast the version of Batman: Unburied in just over 9 episodes and which will arrive on the streaming platform on May 3.

However, this will not be the only voice of Mexican origin to appear on the podcast of the Joker nemesis, the Spotify production will be joined by a first-rate cast such as: Carlos Aragon as Alfred, Ana Brenda Contreras as Barbara Gordón, Zuria Vega will be Kell, Alfonso Borbolla as The Riddle and Hernan Mendoza will give life to Thomas Wayne.

Alfonso Herrera hizo oficial su incorporación a Spotify Foto: Instagram/@ponchohd

It was through his Instagram account that the performer who recently won the Ariel Award in the category of “Best Actor” for his lead in The Dance of the 41, shared that he would be joining the Spotify project. After the publication, he has received multiple shows of affection from his more than 3 million followers.

The story was written by David S. Goyer, who has developed scripts for both comics and films such as Batman vs. Superman: The Origin of Justice by Zack Snyder or Christopher Nolan's multi-award-winning film Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

In charge of giving more specific details of Alfonso Herrera's new production was the magazine, Variety, which highlighted the first statements of the Mexican actor already with the role of Batman.

Fotograma cedida por Netflix donde aparece Alfonso Herrera, como Javi Elizonndro, y Jason Bateman, como Martin "Marty" Byrde, durante una escena de la serie "Ozark" Foto: Byrde. EFE/Steve Dietl/Netflix

The interpreter born in Mexico City, through a statement, expressed his feelings when he was selected to give voice to the acclaimed hero who cares for Gotham City.

Batman is one of the most interesting characters in the history of the comic book and the DC universe. Giving a voice to this very complex superhero and hand in hand with great allies such as Fabula, Spotify, Warner Bros., DC and Hari Sama is a great challenge and at the same time a great possibility of working with great fellow actors reinterpreting this story and creating something very ours,” argued the Mexican historian.

On the other hand, the publication added among the statements of Dawn Ostroff, head of content at Spotify, where he explained that this production, which will reach all of Latin America and Europe, will be to bring the content of the acclaimed hero closer to his audiences outside the US.

This will be the second time that the Mexican history brought to life a character with a dark theme in less than a year, since a few months ago Alfonso Herrera, who rose to stardom for being part of the successful group RBD, gave life to Javi Elizonndro, in the renowned Netflix production , Ozark.

Fotograma cedida por Netflix donde aparece Alfonso Herrera, como Javi Elizonndro, y Jason Bateman, como Martin "Marty" Byrde, durante una escena de la serie "Ozark" Foto: Byrde. EFE/Steve Dietl/Netflix

There the story added his talent with the first American actor, Jason Bateman.

She also shared credits with a great cast such as Sofia Hublitz, Skylar Gaertner, Charlie Tahan, Jessica Frances Dukes, Lisa Emery, Felix Solis, Damian Young, Adam Rothenberg, John Bedford Lloyd, Joseph Sikora, Katrina Lenk, Bruce Davison, Ali Stroker and Veronica Falcon.

The series produced by MRC Televisión and Netflix, released on January 21 the first part of its final season, which will contain two fragments; however, for the second stage of the series there is still no confirmed release date, although it is expected that it will be during the first half of 2022 and with the presence of the Mexican actor .