What is the difference between the fortunes of Elon Musk and Germán Larrea, the second richest man in Mexico

Germán Larrea is the second richest person in Mexico, behind only Carlos Slim, while Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the whole world


In Mexico, the list of richest men in the country is led by Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helú, who in his most recent list of millionaires in the world, released on Tuesday by the American financial magazine Forbes, calculated his fortune of USD 81.2 billion, positioning it, globally, in 13th place.

After Slim, in Mexico, the businessman who owns Grupo México Germán Larrea Mota Velasco is in second place, who is estimated in the same list, says with a fortune of USD 30 billion, and then placed, in third place, the owner of Grupo Salinas, Ricardo Salinas Pliego.

Germán Larrea is one of the most important businessmen in Mexico, and likewise, his company is one of the most prominent in the country. Although Larrea has a great fortune, it is very small compared to those of other entrepreneurs in the world.

Such is the case of businessman Elon Musk, who is considered the richest person in the world. Musk owns companies like Tesla and SpaceX. According to Tuesday's listing, released by Forbes, Muks has an estimated fortune of $219 billion. The businessman of South African origin and nationalized American, tops the list of the richest in the world for the first time, displacing the one who had been the richest for several years, Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon.

Germán Larrea es dueño del conglomerado Grupo México. (Foto: Cuartoscuro)

According to information released by Forbes, as of March 11, Musk had an estimated value of $219 billion, after adding $68 billion to his fortune last year thanks to a 33% increase in the share price of his electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla.

Musk overtook Bezos, who for the first time in four years fell to second place, due to a 3% drop in Amazon shares, and increased charitable donations, which removed $6 billion from his net worth.

The fortune of the second wealthiest person in Mexico, Germán Larrea, is much lower than that of Elon Musk, since the latter has USD 188.2 billion more than the Mexican. In other words, Musk's fortune is more than seven times greater than that of Larrea.

The richest person in the world, Elon Musk, frequently uses the social network Twitter, where he has 80 million followers. There, Musk shares his opinion on various topics, almost always controversial. However, just a few days ago, he himself talked about the possibility of creating his own social network.

En días recientes, Musk compró el 10% de las acciones de la red social Twitter, con lo que se convirtió en su mayor accionista. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook/File Photo

Musk, on more than one occasion, has expressed that the platform does not respect freedom of expression. He did so during a recent exchange of opinion with his followers, who encouraged him to buy Twitter. This wish was fulfilled, after it became known that Musk acquired 10% of the shares of the social network, thus becoming the majority shareholder of this label.

Through a survey he conducted, through his account, he himself wondered if a new social network was needed. Given this, a software developer asked him the possibility of building a platform with an open source algorithm, where propaganda is minimal.

Faced with the proposal, Musk replied that he was thinking about it very seriously. Although, apparently, these days he gave up the idea, and instead, he invested some of his fortune to become a part of the social network.

