Transport stoppage: these are the congressmen who call for the resignation of Pedro Castillo

These are three parliamentarians who believe that the president's departure would end the crisis.


The transport strike that began more than a week ago has already claimed the lives of five citizens. Four of them were based on the mobilizations recorded in Junín and one during April 4, when the revolts were radicalized, even reaching looting occurred in some areas of the country. To discuss ways out of the crisis generated by rising prices, the plenary session met this afternoon. Some parliamentarians, through their social networks, made public their desire to see President Pedro Castillo resign.

President Castillo, you have achieved what the opposition benches - out of meanness or selfishness - could not: that permanent moral incapacity ceases to be an abstraction. His government is unsustainable, his ministers capsize, the country is getting out of hand. Out of respect for the country, resign”, reads the publication of Edward Málaga, who is part of the ungrouped ones. This is not the first time that the purple congressman has pointed to the president's voluntary departure as a way out of conflict, during the debate on the second vacancy motion he had already mentioned it.

José Cueto. Paro de transportistas: estos son los congresistas que piden la renuncia de Pedro Castillo

When asked by a Twitter user about the effects this measure would have, he replied: “I already did that when I explained my vote during the vacancy motion. Presidential succession, governance pact, political and electoral reform, general elections. In that order.

The Avanza País congresswoman, Norma Yarrow, was also one of those who urged Pedro Castillo to leave the Government Palace. “If you love Peru something, quit, Castillo, at once. He would rather open a school than go to solve social conflicts, including the death of four innocent people. The people rose up because of hunger, lack of management and because of existing corruption. #CastilloRenuncia,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

During the plenary session, he also criticized the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Transport and Communications, Energy and Mines and Agrarian Development and Irrigation as they were connected virtually in the Plenary when measures that would benefit the demonstrators were about to be discussed.

Norma Yarrow. Paro de transportistas: estos son los congresistas que piden la renuncia de Pedro Castillo

To the Minister of Economy, let him grab his shoes as the president says and start running here to the plenary because we need him. Here we are going to discuss today what the people and the country need. Madam President, today we see all the benches that we are trying to see what happens to the Peruvians who are killing themselves outside and we see here four ministers who are very clean, hairy, arranged debating or giving us reports to talk about Pension 65, giving away a thousand tractors when people don't have seeds and nothing to put in their land and sow,” said Yarrow.

Edward Málaga. Paro de transportistas: estos son los congresistas que piden la renuncia de Pedro Castillo

From Renovación Popular, Congressman José Cueto said that President Castillo has had several opportunities to launch the government he announced during his candidacy. “Since Congress he has been given every opportunity to do good government and he has wasted them. It is up to you to end this political, economic and social crisis. If you still have a minimum of decency and love for Peru, resign. The nation demands it,” were the words of the aforementioned congressman.

The possibilities of a resignation have been ruled out on several occasions by Pedro Castillo and the rest of the members of the Executive. At the close of this note, the president and the rest of his cabinet participated in an extraordinary Council of Ministers to study measures to end citizen mobilizations.

