Petro once again assures that if he wins the presidency he does not intend to extend his term of office

The politician responded to a message sent to him by Uribista Senator María Fernanda Cabal, also on Twitter, in which he says it is a danger

Once again, the presidential candidate of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro, ratified that if he arrives at the Casa de Nariño he will respect the time of his administration and will not try to perpetuate himself in power. The politician said on April 5 that he does not intend to have a “long-term government”, and took the opportunity to point out former President Álvaro Uribe for extending his term.

It should be noted that the politician stated this in response to a message sent to him by Uribista Senator María Fernanda Cabal, also on Twitter, in which he says it is a danger. The senator is based on statements from Petro's vice-presidential formula, Francia Márquez, in which she speaks of Colombia's change as a “long-term project.”

The Historical Pact assured that by mentioning a “long-term project” it refers to the hope they have that Colombia will move from only right-wing governments to alternative leaders. He reiterated that this does not refer to governmental continuity.

In this sense of moving to alternative governments, a sector of the Green Alliance party formalized its support for Petro and Márquez. Greens with Petro” is the name of that sector of the party that will not support the Esperanza Center Coalition but the Historical Pact and Petro's formula with Francia Márquez. This group is led by former governor of Nariño Camilo Romero, who participated in the internal consultation on March 13.

Carlos Ramón González, co-president of the Alianza Verde party, was the one who represented the militants who wanted to support Petro in the leadership, in order to finally establish freedom of choice. “What is clear is that we must defeat the Uribista right that today embodies the candidate Federico Gutiérrez,” said the director of the collective.

Among the green supports, Petro has several current senators, but who failed to renew their seats for the next four-year period such as Jorge Guevara, Jorge Eduardo Londoño, Sandra Ortiz or León Fredy Muñoz. The only one so far is Inti Asprilla, fourth most voted, who from the start supported Petro. They are joined by elected representatives Santiago Marín (from Caldas) and Martha Alfonso (in Tolima).

In addition, several councillors, councilors and deputies participated such as Diego Cancino (councillor of Bogotá), Oswaldo Avellaneda (deputy for Meta), Michael Ramos (deputy for Meta), Alejandro Saldarriaga (Antioquia), Oswaldo Córdoba (Bolivar), Esmeralda Hernández, Mafe Carrascal, María Isabel Moreno (Cali councilor), among other councilors, councillors and the country's deputies and former congressional candidates.

Co-President González assured that in the Green Alliance party there is a great agreement that, if there is a second round, they will support Petro. That scenario would be fulfilled if a candidate did not win in the first and if Sergio Fajardo did not pass, who would maintain the support of the Coalition's grassroots.

Petro assured that he is confident that in a possible government of his own, if he wins the elections, it would have sufficient parliamentary governance. In its accounts, the Covenant seats, the Centro Esperanza Coalition and other related forces will allow it to have a collective force in Congress, given the breadth of the number of seats in the House following the scrutiny to be announced on April 5.