Judiciary admits to habeas corpus procedure submitted by the Ombudsman against compulsory immobilization

This Tuesday, the Ombudsman presented a habeas corpus to rescind the social immobilization of April 5.


The Sixth Constitutional Court of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima admitted to processing the habeas corpus action filed by the Ombudsman, Walter Gutiérrez with the aim of repealing the supreme decree issued by Pedro Castillo on the curfew for April 5.

According to the Office of the Ombudsman, the action taken by the Executive “is openly unconstitutional as disproportionate and unreasonable, because it has not been justified how such a measure in Lima and Callao will contribute to preserving social order at the national level.”

“The unintended restriction of individual freedom through touch has serious repercussions on citizenship, since its validity does not allow the necessary precautions to be taken to guarantee order or public tranquility,” the resolution reads.

(developing note)
