“In private and let me go”: Carlos Trejo reminded Alfredo Adame of his pending fight

The rivalry between the ghostbusters and the former driver has been brewing for years, this is just one of the controversial controversial character's controversial


This April 5, Alfredo Adame staged another fight, this time he threw himself against Manuel Montalvo, the lawyer of Carlos Trejo. Towards the afternoon, the self-appointed ghostbusters again mentioned the pending encounter he has with his rival.

“I propose a deal: quote it and quote me in a place where we are both in private and let go of it,” Carlos Trejo told the hosts of the program First Hand.

In addition to making it clear that he already has every willingness to fight with Adame, the driver Carlos Trejo mentioned that they had already had a violent encounter: “It's been three times that I catch him,” he explained in the same talk with Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

Carlos Trejo mostró su cicatriz de los dientes de Adame (Foto: De Primera Mano/Twitter)

According to Trejo's memory, he would have given Adame a heavy blow with his elbow, which would have caused him to “blow” half of his teeth. “Here I have the scar from this man's teeth,” explained the researcher of paranormal phenomena while showing the mark on his forearm.

On the other hand, the ghostbusters showed the program's hosts that he had allegedly received a WhatsApp message from a journalist telling him to set up the fight. It should be noted that Alfredo Adame is currently holding an alleged restraining order against Carlos Trejo.

Alfredo Adame se cayó durante la otra pelea (Foto: Captura de Twitter)

The organization of the fight would fall into fraud, according to the opinion of Carlos Trejo and Gustavo Adolfo Infante: “You know what's up, he removes the document if the fight is made, I have everything but sign the contract for me”, you could read in the alleged message of a journalist belonging to a television station.

This is why the writer of Cañitas would prefer that the meeting be held in private, when he was questioned about a possible payment for the fight, Carlos Trejo explained the following:

“I am in the best position, just put it on me and we get out of trouble, all the money is going to be donated to a house of battered women, because who has insulted women in Mexico? him”.

Alfredo Adame y Carlos Trejo ofrecieron conferencia de prensa para dar detalles sobre su pelea de ajuste de cuentas en 2019 FOTO: ANDREA MURCIA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

In addition, Adame's rival explained that he would only need “his people” to put a definitive stop to the former Hoy driver, without neglecting that it seems to him an unfair action that the alleged treatment is to lift the restraining order just for the encounter and then re-establish it.

It should be noted that the rivalry between the two began several years ago, even in 2019 they offered a press conference to agree on the fight, but it never happened because Trejo threw a bottle of water at Adame and he ended up with a blow under the eye.

“So cowardly is that he has to place a restraining order, he is a cowardly guy (...) I show up and I swear that they don't stop me, while they mock, they have no idea how serious it happens if my people arrive,” he explained.

On the other hand, Carlos Trejo's lawyer clarified that he will not proceed legally against Adame for the attempted aggression, since in his perception, he merely stopped the blows and ended up causing him to fall.

“I'm not going to put any restrictions, he didn't hurt me, it was a rage in which he wanted to attack me and I didn't allow it,” he said in the program Firsthand.

According to Manuel Montalvo, the press conference at which Alfredo Adame ended up on the floor was to agree to that fight, Carlos Trejo denied any knowledge of this, so he said he was indignant and deceived.

“Look, I don't have the slightest idea, I didn't know that the press conference was to announce the fight, I thought my lawyers had been summoned to make a contract, what they were doing was cheating; at the press conference they would only talk about work and personal plans,” he told Gustavo Adolfo Infante.