Four 50-cent coins together exceed more than 70 thousand pesos: one of them with alleged coinage error

According to Banxico, two of the copies are very old and are no longer valid for transactions

Of various denominations, shapes, sizes and colors, a wide variety of coins are sold online at stratospheric prices, such as four copies that, despite being of low denomination, are all offered for more than 9,000 pesos by a commercial platform.

One of the copies is even quoted at more than 28 thousand pesos due to an alleged minting error. Below we will tell you what pieces we are referring to and the cost they reach, since together they are quoted at more than 70 thousand pesos for a website.

Two of them are older and according to the Banco de México (Banxico), two of them are part of the AA family, that is, they were put into circulation in the seventies and eighties.

They are currently demonetized because they belong to the monetary unit in force until 31 December 1992, which means that they are no longer valid for transactions because they lack liberatory power. Its current value is equivalent to the result of the division of the denomination they indicate, by one thousand.

Ejemplo de una moneda de 50 centavos. Mercado Libre

What are they?

First copy

From smallest to largest, in first position is a piece called Cabeza de Palenque, which has a stainless steel composition, circular and with a diameter of 22.0 mm.

The copy is part of the AA family and was put into circulation in 1983, according to data from the Banco de México.

On its obverse, the National Coat of Arms was depicted in sculptural relief with the legend “United Mexican States” in a semicircle.

While on its back it bears the effigy (image) of the “head of palenque”, lord belonging to the Mayan culture, the number 50 and the symbol of cents. In addition, the inscription “Palenque” can be seen in an upright position. On the same side of the coin it also bears the year of issue and symbol of the mint, as well as a graphic in the shape of a greque in a straight and vertical position at the left and right ends.

This coin is offered for up to 10 thousand pesos by Mercado Libre, according to one person who shared the image for sale.

Second Issue

In second position is an old copy, same family (AA), which was put into circulation since 1970.

It has a composition of cupronickel, that is, copper and nickel, as well as a diameter of 25.0 mm.

On its back is the image of Cuauhtémoc in profile with his ceremonial helmet, the last Tlatoani mexica from Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Inscription in fifty cents, year of issue and symbol of the mint.

On its obverse the National Coat of Arms in sculptural relief, with the legend United Mexican States forming an upper semicircle.

This piece is marketed on the same internet site for up to 10,000 pesos, according to one person who uploaded the image.

Pieza con presunto error. Mercado Libre

Third copy

In third position is one of the somewhat more recent copies, which was put into circulation in 1993. It is a piece that is dodecagonal, that is, 12 sides, which was minted in bronze and aluminum, according to the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). It has a diameter of 22.0 mm and a weight of 4.39 grams.

The specimens of this family are named “new pesos”, since they eliminated the other zeros (3) that appeared in their previous value, that is, those of 1,000 pesos were converted into 1 peso.

The reverse shows the number 50 at the center of the coin, the pennies symbol on one side “¢”, as well as the year of issue. And a stylization of the Ring of Acceptance of the Sun Stone. While on its obverse the typical National Shield was depicted in relief, as well as the legend “United Mexican States”.

This low-denomination coin is offered for up to 28,750 pesos, since according to a user who presumes it on the Mercado Libre site, it has an alleged minting error.

Moneda más actual. Mercado Libre

Fourth issue

On site number four is a more current piece, as it belongs to the D family and was put into circulation on August 6, 2009.

It also has a stainless steel composition and integrated with elements such as: nickel, sulfur, phosphorus and iron.

On its reverse was the number fifty “50″ on the central part of the coin, on its right the pennies symbol “¢”, in the upper field in the center the year of issue, in the lower field in the center the symbol of the mint “M°” and parallel to the frame in semicircle, in the lower part a stylization of the Ring of Acceptance of the Stone of the Sun.

While the obverse shows the typical National Shield in sculptural relief and the phrase United Mexican States. This copy is quoted at up to 30 thousand pesos by the same e-commerce site.

It should be remembered that despite the fact that coins can be marketed at the desired cost, some experts recommend visiting a numismatics store to learn about the items that they must contain in order to increase their value.