Electricity Reform: After refusal from the PRI, Morena circulated the new draft opinion for the AMLO initiative

Alejandro Moreno, president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, said his institute will vote against President López Obrador's initiative


After the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) announced, this Monday, April 4, that it will vote against AMLO's Electric Reform, the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), the president's party, began to circulate a new draft of that initiative, in an effort to change political spirits and get the adoption of amendments to articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (CPEUM).

As far as the Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) administration has promoted, the most important initiative it has promoted is the Electricity Reform, as it seeks to ensure that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) can participate in 54% of the sector (generation, transmission, distribution and marketing). which would represent a step forward to one of the main campaign promises: energy sovereignty.

For this to happen, it had to have the support of three quarters of the Chamber of Deputies, this so that legislators endorse the document drawn by the federal executive and then be ratified in the Senate of the Republic. This means that with the support of Morena and her allies (Labour Party and Green Ecologist Party of Mexico) it was not enough for the reform to be approved, so she needed one of the opposition parties to join her cause.

AMLO necesita del voto priista para que esta reforma se apruebe (Foto: Cuartoscuro)

It is in this context that the Institutional Revolutionary intervenes, since after the announcement of the initiative, the legislators of the National Action Party (PAN), the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the Citizen Movement (MC) set a position against it, so all that was needed was define the PRI.

It was from this indecision that the Open Parliament was convened that it held around twenty specialized forums in which the positions, both for and against, on the future of the National Electricity System (SEN) were discussed in depth. Thus, the party led by Alejandro Moreno waited until Monday afternoon to set its position and, accompanied by the other two leaders of the Va por Mexico coalition, firmly and strongly announced that the PRI is going against AMLO's Electric Reform. Instead, they proposed a counter-reform.

Faced with this situation, Regeneración Nacional disseminated the progress made in the ruling of the presidential initiative, where changes can be seen in the wording; however, there are generalities that support the center of the Electricity Reform. For example, “the coordinated regulatory bodies in electricity matters National Hydrocarbons Commission and Energy Regulatory Commission are abolished. Its structure and powers are incorporated into the Ministry of Energy, as appropriate.”

Va por México presentó su contrarreforma eléctrica (Foto: EFE)

The percentages of participation (54%/46%) remain the same, although the private sector is guaranteed its participation in the sector. The Clean Energy Certificates (CEL) will also be canceled, “the CFE will acquire the electricity and capacity generated by the private sector, required in the short term, through competition for its dispatch due to its lower production costs”.

Finally, all that remains is to wait for the reform bill to be finalized in the United Commissions on Constitutional Points and Energy before the draft decree will be discussed and voted on in the Chamber of Deputies. In the event that the determination of Saint Lazarus passes, it must be ratified in the Senate of the Republic and, finally, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) for it to enter into force.

