Eduardo Yáñez narrated a macabre joke to Diego Shoening's mother: “They played him at 3 in the morning”

It was when Yáñez worked alongside the late Ernesto Alonso, that artistic director Martha Zavaleta was the victim of a heavy joke on the location of a soap opera


Eduardo Yáñez has returned to talk about after a few days ago the actor's name went viral on social networks when it became known that he would play a transsexual woman in the series Mi Tío.

And it is that a sector of the public questioned the fact that the actor, being a cisgender man, was chosen to play a trans woman instead of an actress with an appropriate gender identity.

The actor has not made any statements about it, but now he gives something to talk about because of an anecdote he told in the program El minuto que cambiado mi destino, where he remembered that years ago, in the middle of a soap opera recording, he witnessed how a macabre joke was played on actress Martha Zavaleta.

Diego Shoening es hijo de la actriz y directora artística (IG)

To tell the anecdote, about which the actor clarified it was not the one who orchestrated what happened, Yáñez went back to the time when he worked on the productions of the late Ernesto Alonso, whom the 61-year-old histrion considers his artistic father.

The protagonist of Televisa's telenovelas like Fuego en la sangre told that it was during a filming next to the so-called senor telenovela that a heavy joke arose against actress Martha Zavaleta, mother of singer Diego Schoening, from Timbiriche.

“Ernesto Alonso and Raúl Araiza made some very heavy jokes, they had a black sense of humor of those... from those macabre films, they made tremendous jokes,” the actor said at first.

Ernesto Alonso fue un prolífico productor, entre sus éxitos se encuentran las telenovelas "El maleficio", "El derecho de nacer" y "Tú o nadie" (Foto: Susana Navarrete/Cuartoscuro)

During the recordings of a soap opera, which took place in Maeva, Colima, actor Jorge Vargas and music director Kiko Campos played a macabre joke on the fellow artistic director.

According to the actor, Vargas and Campos colluded to nail a dead black cat in Martha Zavaleta's door, a fact that mortified the actress to the degree that she believed that someone was doing witchcraft on her.

Martha Zavaleta -abajo a la izquierda- dio vida por varios años a la profesora "Godzilla", de la serie "Cachún cachún ra ra" (Foto: Facebook@Steve Rivera)

“Martha Zavaleta was very esoteric, a wonderful woman... Jorge Vargas and the director, who was Gloria Mayo's husband, went to grab a dead cat and nailed it to the door of Martha's room,” she explained.

“They played her at three in the morning, she was very superstitious. He opened the door and the black cat hung there. You can imagine the scream and the screams, the whole set came on,” said the controversial histrion.

Kiko Campos -al centro-, fue productor musical de Timbiriche, y uno de los que le jugaron la broma pesada a la madre de Diego Shoening (segundo de izquierda a derecha) (Foto: Instagram @kikocamposmex)

According to Eduardo Yáñez's version, after the heavy joke, producer Ernesto Alonso fired Jorge Vargas, however some time later he excused his fault and managed to keep Diego Shoening's mother from abandoning the recording of the aforementioned soap opera, even though she came to believe that they wanted to do “a job” of sorcery.

In this interview that Yáñez gave to Gustavo Adolfo Infante, he also talked about the problems he had in the past with his alcohol consumption. Yáñez recalled that time when, in his eagerness to continue drinking and in the absence of bottles of liquor at home, he resorted to taking shaving lotion, a fact that made him realize that he had “hit rock bottom”.

“It is 15 years that I no longer take, although I have fallen sometimes, although there are levels and levels. I call it fall to a night where I put a bottle of red wine, but I don't go from there. Before it was to grab a beer and finish three days later,” the controversial histrion told the program.

Eduardo Yáñez dio de qué hablar por su papel en la serie "Mi tío" (Foto: IG @eduardoyanezofc)

The actor was sincere and recounted that time when, in the midst of a crisis of anxiety about consumption, he came to ingest after-shave lotion just to continue being alcoholized.

“Look, I had a very strong period of alcoholism that I ended up taking shaving lotion with water, due to the fact that I kept drinking, and that already caused me too many health problems, now it does seem like pulling, but yes... I did look in the mirror and I already saw my veins like this (marked) and I did say 'this is not what I want from me', highlighted the controversial actor.