DIF CDMX: how to enroll children in free English, swimming, sports or art classes

In addition to the activities, they will be part of special events, visits to museums and theaters


The National System for the Integral Development of Families (DIF) opened registration so that children between 6 and 15 years of age can take free swimming, English, science, skills development, values and arts classes.

Through his program called Learn and Create Diferente, he highlighted that the class project was developed by professionals from various disciplines who are committed and committed to early childhood and adolescence education.

He also stressed that children and adolescents will participate in special events in the artistic and sports field, visits to museums and theaters.

What are the requirements to register for the activities?

* They must be girls, boys and adolescents between 6 and 15 years of age.

(Foto: DIF)

* Minors must be attending primary or secondary education in a public school in Mexico City.

Documents requesting to register minors:

* For re-registrations they ask for a valid official identification with a photograph of the mother, father or guardian, it can be the INE voting credential, passport, professional ID or the card of the National Military Service.

* In the case of girls who will enter for the first time, the documentation they request is:

* In the same way, the official identification of the parent or guardian.

* Proof of address that is not older than 3 months old, among which they accept are the water, electricity, landline telephone and property tax bill.

* The Unique Population Registration Key (CURP) of the girl, boy or adolescent, to obtain the recent format is through the Internet page https://www.gob.mx/curp/.

* The medical certificate of the girl, boy or adolescent with the signature, stamp and name of the doctor, this requirement is indispensable for registration to any sports and dance activity.

Where and what are the classes they teach?

En los diferentes Centros DIF imparten las actividades en el turno matutino y vespertino (Foto: DIF)

The classes are taught in the 54 DIF centers located in the 16 mayors of the CDMX, the disciplines that can be registered are:

* Plastic arts

* Basketball

* Science

* Computing

* Literary creation

* Contemporary dance

* Folk dance

* Football

* Gym

* History

* English

* Music

* Swimming

* Theatre

* Volleyball

Step by step to pre-register

* The parent or guardian must enter the DIF page at the link: http://derechohabientes.sui.dif.cdmx.gob.mx/sui/subsistemas/registros/new_pro/registro.php.

* Once inside you have to put the CURP of the minor.

* You must then enter the data for the primary or secondary school in which the child is enrolled.

* Then fill in the personal information requested by the system: full name, address, contact phone number and a personal email.

* The next step is to capture the information of the person or persons authorized to pick up the minor after the end of their class.

* The next step is to select the mayor's office in which they reside, the DIF center closest to their home as well as the activity they wish to register for.

* The documents must then be uploaded to the system and the application must be submitted.

* In the same way, you can register for any activity in any of the DIF CDMX Center, to know its location is through the following link: https://dif.cdmx.gob.mx/directorio-de-centros-dif-cdmx.

