Carrier Strike: Know what roads are blocked in Peru this Tuesday

The Superintendency of Land Transport of People, Cargo and Goods (Sutran) reported that there is no pass on several stretches of Pan-American North and South, Longitudinal de la Selva, Interoceanic highways, among others.


Despite the fact that, on Tuesday, the Government ordered the compulsory social immobilization of all persons in their homes in Metropolitan Lima and the constitutional province of Callao from 02.00 am to 11.59 pm, the situation in the interior of the country is different and several roads are still blocked by heavy - cargo carriers and farmers affected by the rise in fuel and fertilizer.

According to a report issued this morning by the Superintendency of Land Transport of People, Cargo and Goods (Sutran), the Piura regions, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, San Martín, Ucayali, Lima Ica and Cusco are experiencing problems for the transit of vehicles of all kinds on the second day of the strike called by various transport unions.

The Piura region has interrupted traffic on the North Interoceanic Highway at kilometer 217 of the Olmos-Piura road, at the height of the Chulucanas oval, and at kilometer 249.

A similar situation is experienced at kilometer 226, Flor de Caña sector, on the Chulucanas-Morropón highway and at kilometer 10 of the road to Paita, at the height of the La Tortuga crossing, Paita province.

On the Huancabamba-Palambia highway there is no vehicle pass in the Quispampa area, at the entrance to the city of Huancabamba.


In the Lambayeque region, traffic is interrupted on the Old Pan-American North, at kilometers 96-97; on the Olmos -Piura road as well as on the Fernando Belaunde Terry highway, and at kilometer 3 of the Chiclayo-Nororiente highway, Olmos district, Lambayeque region.


In Cajamarca, traffic is reported to be interrupted on the Longitudinal de la Sierra Norte highway, at kilometer 1251, in the town of Namora.


In the San Martín region there is no vehicle pass on the Fernando Belaunde Terry highway, at kilometer 601, at Punta Verde, Morales district.

In addition, at kilometer 624 in the Oval of the Journalist, in the La Banda district of Shilcayo, province of San Martín.


In the Ucayali region there is a traffic interruption on the Federico Basadre highway at kilometer 15, at the height of the Campo Verde district. Other closed roads are:

- Km 60, in Neshuya, province of Padre Abad

- Kilometer 112, district of Irazola; kilometer 162, in Aguaytia bridge, province of Padre Abad-Ucayali

- Kilometer 179, in the El Boquerón area, province of Padre Abad.

In Cusco there is no transport unit pass on the Poroy-Chinchero route, at kilometer 18, Cachimayo sector, Anta province; in the Longitudinal de la Sierra Sur, at kilometer 1068, Combapata sector, Quispicanchi province; and on the Cusco-Urubamba road kilometer 50, Ramaldearas sector, Maras district, province of Calca.

In the Ica region, traffic is interrupted in the Pan-American South at kilometer 273, in the town of Salas Guadalupe; at kilometer 290, also in Salas Guadalupe; and at kilometer 299 in the Álamo area.


In the Lima Region, traffic is interrupted on the North Pan-American Highway, at kilometer 140, Huacho district in the province of Huaura.