Admission exam UNAM, UAM, IPN: how many questions are there and everything you need to know

Applicants to study an engineering or bachelor's degree must first register according to each call for selection 2022

The student community that aspires to a place in the 2022-2023 section process of the higher level must meet the requirements established by each call in order to take the admission exam, either from the UNAM, UAM or the IPN.

In the case of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the exam will be applied from May 14 to June 5, although they pointed out that the dates “are subject to the development of the COVID-19 situation”. For 2022 there will be only one call, which is available on the website of the General Directorate of School Administration (DGAE):

The UNAM admission test consists of 120 questions that must be answered within a maximum time of 3 hours, the exam will contain the same subjects, but emphasis will be placed on the area of knowledge to which the student aspires: Physical-Mathematics and Engineering; Biological and Health Sciences; Social Sciences or Humanities and Arts.

Para hacer el examen de la UNAM los estudiantes deben presentarse de forma puntual, con cubrebocas y respetar las medidas sanitarias (Foto: AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

The sections of the UNAM exam are: Spanish that will cover topics such as language functions, discursive forms, grammar, reading comprehension, spelling; mathematics contains notable products, factorization, algebraic expressions, equations, trigonometry, geometry; physics contemplates kinematics, Force, Newton's laws and Universal Law of Gravitation, waves, optics. It has the sections of Universal History, Mexico, biology, geography, chemistry.

* The exam will be done in person at the place, date and day that I indicated the credential proof, the results will be announced on July 22, 2022 on the website of the DGAE.

* The exams for the spring and fall 2022 terms will be online, applicants must first take a test between March 28 and April 5 and the selection will be from April 11 to 21 depending on the information on the proof of registration; the results will be published on May 14, 2022.

El examen de la UAM será en línea y durante la prueba no se puede tener ningún otro dispositivo electrónico (Foto: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)

The test must be answered within two hours, if requested by the UAM, which can be checked on the day of the test, which can be accessed with the username and password indicated in the email you provided in the Mexican registry.

Recommendations for the online exam:

* Present it in place without noise or companions.

* It must be done on a computer with speakers; the microphone and camera must be turned on the entire time of the exam.

* The computer must have Windows 7 or higher or MacOSX 10.11 system; with at least 4 GB of RAM and 200 Mb free.

* Applicants must install the programs requested by UAM, which can be checked on the day of the test, which they will be able to access with the username and password indicated in the email you provided in the registration.

Fechas para registrarse en el proceso de selección del IPN (Foto: IPN)

It will be 130 questions, to answer it the time is 3 hours, it will be held online on 16, 17 or 18 June in the case of the school system, for mixed or non-schooled it will be on May 22.

During the test they will record the entire process and the students will be monitored, the cost of the test is 480 pesos for people of Mexican nationality; the results will be announced on June 12.