Transport strike: these are the agreements between the Government and trade unions after the crisis in various regions

Through a supreme decree, the Minister of Economy indicated that the measure would be temporary and responds to the international crisis affecting the price of fuels.


Faced with the crisis that arises after the stoppage of carriers and the various demonstrations, the Executive Branch decided to reduce the payment of the tax selective to consumption (CSI) to fuels by up to 90%, through a supreme decree that could be approved this week, announced the Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Oscar Graham.

During the last Saturday, representatives of the government, transport unions and farmers, gathered at the Wanka Coliseum in Huancayo, to discuss how to get out of this situation. Given this, Minister Graham indicated that the measure responds to the international crisis that affects the price of fuel and food, which mainly impacts people with reduced resources.

“The Ministry of Economy and Finance is taking the decision, together with the Council of Ministers, to reduce, exonerate, the payment of the selective consumption tax on fuels by 90%, through a supreme decree that we can issue this week,” he said.

In this regard, Graham assured that the reduction in CSI will generate lower revenues for the tax fund, in an amount of approximately 250 million soles per month, so, he said, a permanent evaluation of the price of fuel will be carried out to return to the full collection of the aforementioned tax when the situation normalizes.


Continuing the dialogue, the head of the MEF said that a bill will be submitted to the Congress of the Republic to exempt the general sales tax (IGV) of products that have a greater component in the basic consumer basket such as chicken, egg, flour and noodles.

In that regard, he specified that the legislative initiative will be approved this week in the Council of Ministers so that Parliament can accelerate this proposal as soon as possible and be implemented immediately.

In addition, he stressed that the entire production chain must be affected for the IGV exemption to work. In the case of chicken, he explained, it has to include corn.

Graham also mentioned that through the Social Energy Inclusion Fund (FISE) the bonus for the gas balloon was increased from 20 to 25 soles.


After several days of protests in which various regions have been harmed by the transport strike, the Executive agreed on various agreements with representatives of the transport and agricultural sectors to give impetus to the development of the central region of the country.

Through a signed act, citizens were informed that the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) will be limited by 90% on a temporary basis; as well as, a bill to restrict the CSI to consumption will be submitted for three months on a provisional basis, while complementary measures are being applied.

Also, it was announced the approval of the Emergency Decree that will allow the use of fresh milk in the manufacture of dairy products, limiting the use of powdered milk that will benefit small livestock producers nationwide.

Following this line, the extraction of guano from the island and its sale at a social price will increase from 20,000 tons to 100,000 tons per year; as well as, the sale of island guano to abroad will be reduced, leaving the same for domestic domestic demand, to 89%.

Among the agreements established with the community of Huancayo, it was also noted that work will continue with the coffee organizations of the Central Forest for the development of the production chain. It was also announced that work will be done to increase the minimum living wage to improve the care of the basic needs of families. (With information from Andina).

