'The Adventures of Franco', the National Army campaign that has generated controversy

Franco is a stuffed ape who teaches good military behavior to the uniformed, this campaign has aroused the suspicion of several Internet users because he shares the name of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco


The National Army has been promoting one of its most recent communication campaigns through its institutional networks. A digital content called 'The Adventures of Franco', where the main character is a stuffed monkey who accompanies the army uniforms to receive instructions and gain greater knowledge of military action. “Franco will remind you of the tactics, techniques and procedures of the doctrine for the conduct of military operations,” affirm the institutional networks of the uniformed.

The plush character has not gone unnoticed and there are quite a few reactions that he has generated, comments in favor of the military and spectators: “Excellent video helping our strategic communications incredible message”, “Strategy and pedagogy, excellent integration” or “That frank is a loquillo. But that usually happens, long live my army”, were some of the comments posted in a video of 'The Adventures of Franco'.

But the opinions were not exclusively good, both in the video's comment box and in the trills where 'Franco' is announced, several netizens highlighted the similarity of his name to that of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.

“The video is very good, but the best thing would be to change the name of the pet to avoid hurting susceptibilities. A pet named Franco in the army is also like calling him Benito (Mussolini) or Adolf (Hitler)”, “And his friend's name is Adolfo? no longer disguise”, they pointed out on the Army's institutional YouTube channel.

On Twitter, users were a little stronger and pointed out an intentionality in the name of the stuffed mascot to that of the Spanish dictator.


“If I invented a little doll to teach about military discipline, I would not name it after a famous fascist, but good”, “It should not be by chance. Hitler or Mussolini was already very obvious to them. Ajua”, “A nod to the Franco regime? Conceal a little,” some users commented about the army's triune announcing Franco.

Francisco Franco was responsible for a fascist dictatorship in Spain, where all the powers of the state fell into the hands of the leader, who implemented the repression and censorship of the Iberian country. His regime lasted from 1939 to 1975.

Military must acknowledge responsibility for false positives in Catatumbo

On April 26 and 27, General Paulino Coronado Gámez, four colonels and five other officers and non-commissioned officers of the National Army, must acknowledge their responsibility in cases of false positives that occurred in Catatumbo, Norte de Santander. This recognition of responsibilities will take place in Ocaña, within the framework of a recognition hearing before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP).

The decision, which was adopted by the JEP Reconnaissance Chamber, is due to the request of the victims accredited in case 03, entitled “Murders and enforced disappearances presented as combat casualties by agents of the State”.

During the hearing, the 10 members of the security forces who were found to be most responsible, must move from written recognition to public recognition before the courts, victims and the country. “Ocaña “is the only place where they could symbolically feel that the holding of such a hearing makes sense for them,” warns the jurisdiction of peace in order 036.

