Raven Alexis, the North American porn star, died

He was 35 years old

LAS VEGAS - JANUARY 09: Adult film actress Raven Elexis arrives at the 27th annual Adult Video News Awards Show at the Palms Casino Resort January 9, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

Porn star Raven Alexis died last Wednesday from an infection in the middle of a battle with Crohn's disease. He was 35 years old.

The artist's husband, who has not been named for privacy reasons, confirmed his death in a message posted on Instagram and Facebook on Thursday, Adult Video News (AVN) reported. “I want all those people to know that they loved you all, cared about you and I am so blessed to have had it in my life,” he said. “She was the absolute world for me, the love of my life.”

Alexis died in a hospital in Las Vegas from “complications” of Crohn's disease, an inflammatory ailment that affects the digestive tract. In particular, he succumbed to septic shock - when a person's blood pressure drops to a dangerously low level - while his body was trying to fight an infection.

Alexis broke into the porn scene as an “internet model”, running the adult membership sites RavenAlexis.com and RavensPlayHouse.com.

Following her independent adventures in the world of adult entertainment, the burgeoning porn star was hired by the production company Digital Playhouse, where she worked from 2009 to 2010. “At the time, they were the company that I felt was most in line with my goals,” Alexis said in a 2011 interview with Shabooty.

Raven Alexis tenía la enfremedad de Crohn (Getty Images)

After leaving DP, the adult film actress starred in a series of successful porn films such as “The XXX Graduate: A Parody of Paul Thomas”, “Official Revenge of the Nerds” and “This Is Not Ghostbusters XXX 3D” for Hustler Video.

Alexis won numerous awards during her career as the award for best girl group sex scene and the fan award for the wildest sex scene in 2011 for her work on “Body Heat”.

Two of her favorite pastimes were playing video games anonymously, always choosing female characters with whom she enjoyed competing with people she didn't know and, above all, building and modifying her own computers. She described herself as a nerd

He defended his privacy with cloak and sword. Born in Spokane, Washington, she grew up in foster homes across the country. He was very smart, he finished high school at age 14 and college at 18. He earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and another minor degree in psychology, which he paid for working in the food industry and as an executive assistant in a laboratory.

The porn star's death comes as the porn community is still moved by the passing of trans porn actress Angelina Please. The adult actress — whose real name was Francesca Montalbano — was found dead in her Las Vegas flat in early March, after being missing for nearly a week.