Mia Khalifa answered all the doubts of intimacy: does size matter? how to ensure an orgasm? and more

The former actress of adult films explained, from her experience, topics about sexuality and women that internet users have searched the most in several years


Former adult content actress Mia Khalifa answered questions about different topics related to sex and dating that are most often asked in the search engine from Google, from where is point G, to how much, exactly, women like sex to last.

It was for Men's Health magazine that Mia Khalifa, whom the publication described her as an “unofficial expert in all things about sex and women”, who answered those questions that often do not have a concrete answer on the internet.

The first question was: “Where is point G? ”, to which Mia replied that she would say “it's on the top wall of the vagina, halfway between the opening and the cervix, so if you're touching someone, it's up and down.”

Although his answer was accurate, he assured each woman has her G-spot in different place, so it is necessary to experiment. He also emphasized that not everyone prefers to have an orgasm thanks to their G-spot.

“How to make a woman orgasm?”

Mia se convirtió en una de las actrices de contenido para adultos más famosa y se retiró en la cima de su popularidad (Foto: Instagram@miakhalifa)

Khalifa said that this also depends on each woman, since some prefer that there is more “foreplay” than others, just as there are many factors involved in getting a woman to orgasm.

He stressed that it is necessary to know what a woman likes and be aware of what she is looking for, so she recommended: “Play with her, play with what she is doing. If she is trying to lead a little, follow her example.”

She also said that there is no time limit for “foreplay” and there should be no pressure from the sexual partner to do something she doesn't want to do.

The next one was: “How do you know you're doing something right?”

Mia hizo énfasis en que la mayoría de las preguntas se responden según las preferencias de cada mujer (Foto: Instagram/@mia khalifa)

Khalifa mentioned that, again, it is necessary to realize what each one likes, but not by asking it directly, but by seeing what her reaction is. “Candle, listen to it and feel it. Don't question yourself and don't be asking”, was the answer of the exactrix.

The next one said: “How to grow the penis manually?” , rethought by the interviewer, does size matter?

Mia compartió que, en la mayoría de sus relaciones, el sexo es una de las cosas más importantes (Foto: Instagram/@miakhalifa)

Mia said that, in her case, size is what matters the least, since she has had her best sexual experiences with people who pay attention to what she likes and not so much on what she should or shouldn't do.

“For me, climax is more about how I feel about a person, than what they are doing. I don't know if most girls are like that, but I would definitely say don't stop opening the door for him, don't skip foreplay,” he shared.

He recommended to his audience that they feel confident, as they would show themselves as “bigger” people.

The following: “How long should sex last?”

Mia se retiró del mundo de la pornografía en 2018, pero se mostró abierta a hablar de sus preferencias sexuales (Foto: Instagram/@miakhalifa)

Mia's answer was concise: “Sex should last between 7 and 15 minutes.” She argued that, for her, between 5 and 7 minutes is something too fast, while more than 15 minutes is a very tiring thing, but it depends on the preferences of each person.

For this question, the magazine emphasized that, in fact, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, women do prefer sex to last between 7 and 13 minutes.