Luisito Comunica ate rat in Cambodia: “Very peculiar”

The youtuber shared some of the most exotic dishes he tried, such as the balut, a duck egg with its embryo inside




Luisito Comunica caused a stir on social networks by showing how on his trip to Cambodia he tasted a rat and a duck egg with an embryo, dishes that would be typical in that country.

In the recent video that Luisito Comunica shared on his main YouTube channel, he showed some exotic dishes that might be strange to countries outside Asia. From the beginning, the youtuber warned that Cambodia is one of the places that have surprised him the most with its culinary products.

The first dish he showed was the roasted rat, which is an animal that hunts in the countryside, on the outskirts of the city. He assured that he was not so surprised that rats were cooked in wood because, in fact, he had eaten similar dishes in other Latin American countries.

When he tasted the rat, he said it didn't taste “all bad”, because it tastes the same as a rabbit.

El youtuber aseguró que la rata sabe a conejo (Foto: captura de pantalla/YouTube)

On social networks, netizens reacted to the roasted rat with comments mocking the saucer, as well as questioning the decisions of the businessman.

“Luisito Comunica did not want to try the delicious chicken legs, but he did try a roasted rat in Cambodia”, “Rat meat of the highest quality”, “Bring yourself another pandemic Luisito, you see we had a great time...”, some netizens expressed.

However, the rat would not have been the only dish that caused controversy among Luisito's audience, since he later went to a street stall to eat a duck egg with an embryo. The influencer shared that it is a very traditional dish in Cambodia and is called balut.

He emphasized that, however exotic it may seem, Cambodians usually eat it.

The youtuber prepared the egg that cost him 50 cents with pepper and lemon, and repeated several times before proving it that the smell was strong and not pleasant.

Balut fue un platillo nada agradable al paladar de Luisito (Foto: captura de pantalla)

The viewers of the video commented that this was not the dish that they would not dare to try above all the others, since there was no more exotic one.

“The egg thing is really traumous that it is a very crazy level of food”, “with the image of the duck fetus my stomach turned”, “I am super open-minded and I understand that it is a super different culture from that on this side of the world... but the egg thing... ugh I couldn't stand the nausea”, shared the netizens.

Luisito dijo que las ranas le gustaron, principalmente por cómo las preparan (Foto: captura de pantalla)

Luisito also visited a street food stall at night, this one sold products such as very small chicken, beetles, fried frog, the latter said he liked it, he would only have preferred that the animal did not look so “graphic”, with its limbs extended.

Throughout the video, he said that Cambodia has been one of the countries that surprised him the most, as he saw dishes that were not exotic in any other country and that, moreover, were not exotic there.


