Know the luckiest day for each zodiac sign in the month of April

Do you want to know on which day of this month you will have the most luck? Find out and make the most of that unique date.




Every month of the year, it brings with it new opportunities. The month of April is one of the ones that has the most changes within it for 2022, because this month will start the process of the first eclipse of the year.

April also brings days with the greatest chance of luck for each sign of the zodiac and if you want to know which day is the most fortunate for each sign, then we show you the information below.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19):

Lucky day: Saturday, April 16th.

This day according to astrology the Moon will give you the ability to speak for yourself and create a great balance in your life. Decision-making, balance and the opportunity to act from your heart will be present this day.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20):

Lucky day: Tuesday, April 19th.

On April 19, the season of Taurus begins, which makes this a powerful day for you and in which you can reap many benefits. It's time to believe in yourself; otherwise, you'll be able to embrace what others think of you, instead of prioritizing and strengthening what you really are and consider yourself.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20):

Lucky day: Friday, April 29.

This day you will express your thoughts and feelings better. Not only will your communication with others improve, especially in relationships, but you will also feel greater peace within yourself. This will allow you to resolve some gaps between you and someone important in your life by realizing that you were never so far apart to begin with.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22):

Lucky day: Wednesday, April 20.

Your emotions about the relationship you are currently in or want to create will become clearer. Consider the perspective between what you think is possible and what you hope will be possible. Make sure you don't settle for anything that won't ignite your heart. You could have the relationship of your dreams if you choose well.

LEO (July 23 - August 22):

Lucky day: Wednesday, April 6.

The energy of April 6 asks you to make some final connections between the lessons you've learned and the life you're still hoping to create. Let go of doubt today or any lingering wounds that still creep in from the lessons you have learned and processed. This day, get out of the story you thought you had to live in and embrace everything you ever dreamed of for yourself and your life.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22):

Lucky day: Tuesday, April 5th.

This is a day of phenomenal energy for you. Your romantic relationships and the power of the planet of love will be positive. Even if you have recently focused on other areas of your life, take this day's opportunity to allow yourself to explore your personal life. Be available to those who bring joy, love to their life and recognize that it is often this energy that adds fuel to all other areas.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22):

Lucky day: Friday, April 1st.

Advocate for yourself. This will help you not only bring more balance to your life, but it will also help you embrace your most authentic self. While you've been learning that you can't keep peace at the expense of your truth, this day is an opportunity for you to recognize that those who are truly meant to be a part of your life will support you in everything.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21):

Lucky day: Saturday, April 30th.

You are one of the signs of this month that will see the most unexpected events and changes in your life. On the last day of the month there will be the first eclipse of the year, this illuminates the relationship sector of your life and begins a series of predestined events.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21):

Lucky day: Tuesday, April 12.

On the 12th, abundance will accompany you and it will be up to you to make dreams come true. Think about what topics in your life have great significance to you and then think about how to work them.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19):

Lucky day: Sunday, April 10.

This day communication will make you feel more grounded and more united compared to the beginning of the year. When you can express your thoughts and feelings, you're also more likely to feel positive about yourself and your life.

Use this day to be clear about what you still want to focus on, and then use the power of your words to move mountains.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

Lucky Day: Friday, April 15

On the 15th you will be relieved. Life starts to feel easier from this moment on. The tests you needed to go through, you already passed them and now it's just a matter of making the most of this time.

There is no pressure on this day, just try to rest and prioritize the time created to do nothing but enjoy life. This is exactly the healing you need after a heavy month.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20):

Lucky day: Tuesday, April 12.

You will feel yourself, more than at any other time. It increases your creative energy, improves your spiritual strength and even brings a magical dose of once-in-a-lifetime love. Anything is possible on this lucky day, and the best part is that it's just the beginning.


