Huancayo: Vladimir Cerrón denounced that protesters attacked his home during a transport strike

The leader of Peru Libre called the protesters who attacked his home a “proletarian lumpen”.


In the midst of the sixth day of the national transport strike, the former regional governor of Junín, Vladimir Cerrón, reported through his Twitter account that a group of protesters attacked his home located in Huancayo.

According to his social network, his house was left with the façade destroyed as a result of the stones thrown at him. The Secretary - General of Peru Libre reported that he was able to identify the ten aggressors, whose names he gave to the commander - general of the National Police, Victor Tiburcio.

“The proletarian lumpen, as Marx will classify, has gone to violate my house. I have reached the General Commander of the PNP, Gen. Vicente Tiburcio Orbezo, the identification of the ten criminals, I hope he will be diligent in their capture,” he wrote on the social network.

Twitter de Vladimir Cerrón.

According to Interior Minister Alfonso Chávarry, the protests in Huancayo are not being led by farmers or transporters, but by vandals and criminals. “The protesters are not farmers, they are not transporters; they are young vandals and criminals who have broken three walls and broken the door of the coliseum. You're trying to calm them down. They are attacking the cops with stones, the police are using only tear gas to control them,” he told RPP Noticias.


The Minister of Culture, Alejandro Salas, who was part of the executive delegation at the dialogue table held this afternoon in Huancayo with the union of transporters and farmers leaders, publicly denounced that he was “caught in huarazacazos” for trying to calm protestants.

According to what he told TV Peru, he was in the Wanka Coliseum in dialogue with the aforementioned representatives, when he decided to go out to try to put cold cloths to the clashes between the protesters and members of the Peruvian National Police.

However, his attempts were in vain and, instead of calming things down, he was attacked by citizens outside the compound. According to Salas, these would be people who were infiltrated among the protesters.

“There are some abuses outside people who have not wanted to understand what dialogue is. I went out to try to talk to them to calm them down. However, they have grabbed me to huaracazos and told me that they are people they don't know, that they are people who are undercover,” he said.


It should be noted that, in the delegation of the Executive, which came to Huancayo to talk with the union leaders, were also the Ministers of Justice, Feliz Chero; of Energy and Mines, Carlos Palacios; of Economy, Carlos Graham, and of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Oscar Zea. In addition to the deputy minister of the PCM, Jesús Quispe, some congressmen and Cardinal Pedro Barreto, the latter was required to attend President Pedro Castillo when he asked the Archbishop of Huancayo as mediator if they wanted to mediate.

Among the agreements reached prior to the suspension of the dialogue table, the representatives of the Government informed the population that, in the minutes signed by the leaders of the transport sector, the unblocking of the tracks was agreed. However, a section of leaders decided not to sign the document and withdrew.

While the authorities committed to the suspension of the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) for 6 months, the temporary elimination of the General Sales Tax (IGV) on basic basket products, among others, according to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez, who posted on his Twitter account the certificate signed by the carriers.

Twitter: Roberto Sánchez.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Oscar Zea, announced that a truce has been reached with the farmers. Among them, concessions on the price of fertilizers and on the use of milk.

