Former FARC combatant murdered in Ciudad Bolivar, Bogotá

So far it is not known who or who is responsible for the crime. Indepaz points out that there are several suspects, since several illegal groups are present in Ciudad Bolivar

Bogotá, marzo 18 de 2015.- Con un fuerte rechazo, el Centro Democrático en Norte de Santander, lamentó el atentado contra el candidato al Concejo de Cúcuta, por esa colectividad, Diego Villamizar Salinas, registrado el 11 de marzo a las 10:00 de la noche.  (Colprensa)
Bogotá, marzo 18 de 2015.- Con un fuerte rechazo, el Centro Democrático en Norte de Santander, lamentó el atentado contra el candidato al Concejo de Cúcuta, por esa colectividad, Diego Villamizar Salinas, registrado el 11 de marzo a las 10:00 de la noche. (Colprensa)

Another former combatant of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was killed in Colombia. The new victim was identified as Carlos Humberto Siabato, who was attacked with a firearm in the town of Ciudad Bolivar, in Bogotá, and died on April 3 at noon.

The Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) explained that Siabato was in his home, from where he was proceeding with his reintegration process, when an armed man attacked him without a word on the afternoon of 2 April. He was immediately transferred to a health care center, where a day later his death was confirmed.

So far it is not known who or who is responsible for the crime. Indepaz points out that there are several suspects, since several illegal groups are present in Ciudad Bolivar, including Los Paisas, Los Boyacos, outsourced structures of La Oficina and local bands. In addition, the Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC), also known as the Gulf Clan, and the National Liberation Army (ELN)

For its part, the Office of the Ombudsman has also issued early warnings alerting the presence of these criminals. In addition, the document indicated that the State entity had received several complaints from ex-combatants who claimed to have been threatened.

It should be noted that with the death of Siábato, 312 signatories of the Peace Agreement have already been killed since the FARC and the State signed the document in 2016. In addition, this would be the 13th case so far in 2022.

National organizations and the Common Party regret this type of fact because they say that the violated ex-combatants are people who are carrying out successful reintegration processes for the benefit of their communities. In the case of Siábato, he was a founding member of the Association for Collective Construction, Unity and Transformation (ASOCUNT).

It should be noted that in addition to ex-combatants, Indepaz also reports that during the first quarter of 2022 different crimes aimed at social leaders and civilians in Colombia have occurred. In March alone, 15 killings against activists were recorded throughout Colombia. These murders occurred in the departments of Bolivar, Boyacá, Choco, Caqueta, Cauca, Putumayo, Norte de Santander, San Andrés Isla and Tolima.

According to Indepaz figures, during the third month of 2022 there were 9 massacres that left a figure of 36 fatalities, three more compared to the same month in 2021, in which 9 massacres were also recorded but in which 33 victims were killed.

“In the midst of the massacres there were minor victims such as what happened in Balboa (Cauca), where 32-year-old Rubenia Arada, 14-year-old Brandon Mesa and 11-year-old Maikol Cabrera, were murdered. These people died after armed men arrived shooting at a group of people who were transiting through the area of the Bolivar neighborhood,” Indepaz said on the balance sheet.

In this direction, Indepaz also explained that during the first quarter of 2022, the number of murders and massacres against social leaders increased, this being a trend of violence that amazes the country.

