“Don't we live in a dictatorship?” : Antonio Attolini will present the documentary promoting the Revocation of Mandate

“Revocation, who is the voice of democracy?” is the name of the material that will be released at 20:00 this Sunday at Capital 21


This Sunday, April 3, will be held the 64th edition of the Grammy Awards, the most anticipated award in the music industry; however, the Mexican agenda will have a special presentation, because at Capital 21, at 8:00 p.m. (central Mexico time), the documentary “Revocation, who is the voice of democracy?” .

The audiovisual material is made by specialists and aims to present that democracy in Mexico, with the arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to power, “is progressing and progressing well”.

Antonio Attolini, Elisa Godínez and Violeta Vázquez are the main promoters of this material that enhances the role of the Mandate Revocation in the country's public life. In this regard, the presenters said that they will not just review this advisory exercise with an immediate perspective, but they will attend more profound the phenomenon of democracy in Mexico.

AMLO será el primer presidente de México en someterse al proceso de Revocación de Mandato (Foto: Cuartoscuro)

Under this postulate, they pointed out that they even consulted detractors of the AMLO administration and that they are currently active in both the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Action Party (PAN). For this reason, voices such as deputy Santiago Creel, Senator Damián Zepeda or PRI artist César Camacho Quiroz will be present in the documentary.

Attolini Murra pointed out that having the possibility of deposing a president through a consultative mechanism and orchestrated by Mexican institutions raises the level of democracy. It also criticizes the strategy exercised by the so-called political opposition (PRI, PAN, PRD and MC).

Regarding criticism of the opposition, Attolini pointed out that they are highly predictable, this because he argued that “a person who is run over summons more people to the street than his political project” and, consequently, “his strategy is not to participate in order not to lose”.

Under this logic, he stressed the irony in the slogan: “defending democracy means not participating in its processes”, which is presented as the strategy of the promoters of non-Q4 political agendas. “What the right will come out to say is that if they voted 20, 30 or 40% of the country's register, then, and obviously, the rest who did not participate 'listened to them', 'they did not fall into the traps of López,” he declared to SDP Noticias.

Antonio Attolini es un miembro de Morena cuya participación en medios de comunicación es notoria (Foto: Facebook / @antonio.attolini)

Regarding this position, many opposition activists have come out to say that the Mandate Revocation is a political strategy of López Obrador to ratify its popularity; however, PAN Senator Damián Zepeda indicated that he should participate.

On March 7, the legislator of Acción Nacional resolved doubts that citizens have allegedly raised in relation to the Revocation of Mandate. In this regard, he said that, in his opinion, the dynamic that the National Electoral Institute (INE) will carry out on April 10 is a positive democratic exercise for Mexican citizens.

With this perspective, the panista said he was convinced that the federal administration of the so-called 4T is a bad government and that if there is an opportunity to depose through a participatory and legal exercise, then so be it, “that's why I like the Mandate Revocation, because I am a Democrat”.

One of the doubts he clarified was whether with the Revocation there is a possibility that López Obrador will be re-elected as president of Mexico, something that was flatly denied and explained the legal framework that prevents it and how this fallacy does not address any context close to it, nor that of Venezuela, since the processes are not related.