Comunes Party denounced an attack on a former combatant of the extinct FARC in the south of Bogotá

They said that the attack was perpetrated on Saturday afternoon in the town of Ciudad Bolivar


A new act of violence against the signatories of the peace agreement between the extinct FARC guerrillas and the Colombian state occurred on Saturday afternoon in the town of Ciudad Bolivar, where last week a terrorist attack was recorded against the headquarters of a Police Immediate Care Center (CAI), in the Arborizadora Alta neighborhood, and where two children died.

Through their official Twitter account, the Commons party, which emerged after the demobilization of the FARC, indicated that the male victim was injured.

“We denounce that a signatory of the peace agreement was attacked with a firearm in the town of Ciudad Bolivar de Bogotá. We make an urgent call to control the situation in this area, which is established as a strategic point for paramilitary rearmament”, trinaron.

The same was pointed out by Sergio Marín, representative of the House of Commons, who reiterated the call to the national government to protect those who decided to hand over arms in that former subversive group.

“Subjects on a motorcycle have just attempted the life of a signatory of Peace in the town of Ciudad Bolívar. He is currently in a poor state of health at the Meissen hospital. Mr. Duke, take responsibility, abide by Peace!” , he said.

According to the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz), together with social leaders, the signatories of the agreement have been the main victims of murders since they were demobilized in 2016. This year, according to the data they have been collecting, there are 11 homicides of ex-combatants.

Prior to this attack, the murder of former combatant Domingo Mancilla Cundumí, who was one of the reincorporates of the Aldemar Galán territorial space in the municipality of Policarpa, in Nariño, had been reported.

In the preliminary information that Indepaz managed to obtain, it is stated that Mancilla was mobilizing through the village of Temuey de Guapi (Cauca), when he was attacked with a firearm.

In that NGO they also pointed out that 15 social leaders were killed last March, mostly in the departments of Cauca, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo.

The report reveals that during the month of March, 15 homicides against social leaders were recorded throughout Colombia. It also emphasizes that, since the signing of the peace agreement between the National Government and the extinct FARC guerrillas, 1,334 murders of these representatives, between men and women, have been recorded.

These murders occurred in the departments of Bolivar, Boyacá, Choco, Caqueta, Cauca, Putumayo, Norte de Santander, San Andrés Isla and Tolima.

According to Indepaz figures, during the third month of 2022 there were 9 massacres that left a figure of 36 fatalities, three more compared to the same month in 2021, in which 9 massacres were also recorded but in which 33 victims were killed.

Indepaz figures also show that since the signing of the peace agreement in 2016, 310 ex-combatants have been killed.

