Claudio X. González rushed against the administration of AMLO and Morena: “They are dedicated to attacking”

The businessman said that in Mexico “unemployment, inflation, deaths, poverty, inequality, corruption and insecurity continue to grow”




Businessman Claudio X. González launched himself against President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) because, according to his statements, “he attacks those who dare to ask the question” about the results that his administration has achieved.

Through his Twitter account, the spokesman for the organization Sí por México wrote: “The question that neither AMLO nor Morena can stand is: WHAT ABOUT THE RESULTS? In the absence of an answer, they dedicate themselves to attacking those who dare to ask the question. Meanwhile, unemployment, inflation, deaths, poverty, inequality, corruption, insecurity continue to grow.”

The businessman's statements caused a stir on the platform, as some social media users shared the thinking of Claudio X. González, however, a large number of netizens praised the role of López Obrador as Chief Executive.

El empresario se lanzó contra AMLO y Morena (Foto: Twitter/@ClaudioXGG)

“You just want to continue with illegal practices and tax forgiveness”, “I give you the results: the AIFA”, “Three years of results, but how do you explain the approval of the president. Keep attacking, the president working”, “The results are not seen by you millionaires like you”, were some of the reactions that netizens had to Claudio X. González's message on social networks.

It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, the name of the businessman was mentioned by López Obrador during his morning conference last Friday, April 1st. On that occasion, the Chief Executive reiterated that his government does not allow the law to be violated or endorsed “any of the scourges of the old politics of the old regime” such as cronyism, influentism, nepotism, corruption or impunity.

When questioned about the case of Tamaulipas MP Ursula Salazar Mujica, newly appointed as Morena coordinator in the state Congress, who has attracted attention in the media because an audio was leaked where she is allegedly heard asking a supplier for a “moche”; the president admitted that it is his niece, but assured that she continues to maintain her stance of zero impunity and corruption.

AMLO admitió que Úrsula Salazar Mujica es su sobrina (Foto: Twitter/@Ursula_PSM)

“You know what my position is, don't you? Zero impunity, not allowing anyone to violate the law and not allow any of the scourges of the old policy of the old regime: no cronyism, no influentism, no nepotism, no corruption, no impunity, whoever it is. Apart from the law, nothing; and above the law, no one,” López Obrador declared from the National Palace.

The Tabasqueño compared the case of his niece with that of his eldest son José Ramón López Beltrán and his house in Houston, Texas, by assuring that Loret de Mola “and all those gangsters” want to deceive the population.

MCCI exhibió la casa donde vivió José Ramón López Beltrán en EEUU (Ilustración: Infobae México)

It's a bit about José Ramón and Loret and all these gangsters, wanting to cheat, confuse, because he is 40 years old, he gets married, he joins... his wife worked in Houston (Texas, USA), they go there to live, they rent a house and make the big report because the house is like the ones used by the 'fifis', which has a pool. Well, it's a rented house... ah, but what do they add to it? , that the owner of the house worked in an oil company to which we gave excess contracts. Then there is a conflict of interest. Well, I don't know the oil company nor do I ever give instructions to give preference to someone. I am not corrupt and then Loret thinks that I am like him or Claudio X. González, or all these dishonest, immoral people who want to make us muddy,” he said.

However, López Obrador assured that when you have a clear conscience “you can be very happy and face any adversity.”


