Clara Noemí took a shortcut to school and was found dead in a stream in Veracruz

The body of the quinceañera was found with traces of sexual violence and tied to some stones so that it would not float


Violence against women in Mexico once again claimed the life of a minor, this time from Clara Noemí: a 15-year-old teenager who had disappeared on March 29 in the Huasteca Veracruz.

The young woman, described as “full of dreams”, left her home on that Tuesday morning for the Telebachillerato of the El Limón community. However, realizing that he was late for his classes, he decided to take a shortcut, this being the last time he was seen, since he never made it to the campus.

In the afternoon, realizing that their daughter was not returning from school, her parents filed a report of disappearance with the Veracruz State Search Commission (CEBV), which issued an urgent search form.

Meanwhile, some residents of the community organized themselves into brigades to travel around the region and find the girl with black eyes and light brown skin as soon as possible, but they were not successful.

(Foto: Twitter @LetyHer92012400)

It was until April 2, four days after her disappearance, that elements of the Ministerial Police found Clara's body in a stream with signs of sexual violence. This, unofficial sources pointed out, after the authorities assured the alleged perpetrator.

According to the accounts, the subject, identified as Artemio “N”, confessed to murdering the teenager after sexually abusing her. Later, the accused added, he tried to hide the body in the stream by tying it to some stones so that it would not float and, in that way, they could not find it.

After the fact, collectives, relatives and friends have demanded justice for the feminicide of the young woman from Veracruz, asking the governor of the entity, Cuitláhuac García, and the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to punish the alleged feminicide to the full extent of the law.

Veracruz es la segunda entidad con más feminicidios registrados en lo que va del 2022. (Foto: ROGELIO MORALES /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Veracruz has reported 15 femicides during the first two months of 2022, which positions it as the second state with the highest incidence of cases, surpassed only by the State of Mexico (Edomex), which has recorded 22.

According to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), three of the 15 victims were minors; nine were over 18 years old, while the others were unknown the age range.

Meanwhile, the demarcation tops the list of kidnapping, registering six during the same period; two minors. In addition, figures from the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) indicate that the entity has 55 cases of simple rape and 126 cases of sexual abuse.

It should be noted that Clara is the second fifteen-year-old to be killed this week, to the fight for justice is annexed the case of Rosa María who appeared lifeless on March 24 near his home in Cuetzalan, Puebla.

For this reason, for March 31, a march was organized to the municipal presidency to demand an investigation with a gender perspective, since, her family declared, her death is being treated as an alleged murder and not femicide.

