Carmen Campuzano recalled when she suffered an attempted abuse in an ambulance

The super model recounted the most difficult moments she has experienced due to the addictions she suffered


Carmen Campuzano made news in 2007 when it was reported that during her transfer in an ambulance paramedics had tried to take half-naked photos of her; now, the model recalled that, in fact, she suffered from an attempted abuse.

During an interview with Inés Moreno, Carmen Campuzano recalled the moments she suffered most as dependent on different controlled substances. One of those occasions she had to be taken by emergency ambulance to a hospital, but during the journey the paramedic who accompanied her wanted to spread.

The model confessed that the videos showing how she was taking to the hospital, contrary to making her feel sad, today make her angry because of that occasion.

La súper modelo recordó los peores y mejores momentos de su trayectoria como modelo, así como cuando tuvo varias recaídas en las drogas (Foto: captura de pantalla/YouTube)

In 2007 Carmen's sister-in-law, Luce Mora, reported that she had decided to take the supermodel by ambulance because she found her unconscious in her living room, allegedly she had drunk a lot of alcohol.

They were just a few hours away from arriving at Balbuena General Hospital when the paramedic hit Mora on the head so that she wouldn't interfere with what she wanted to do with Campuzano. Once she was helpless, she unfastened Carmen's bra and took pictures of her chest.

He also recalled the occasion when he suffered one of the worst accidents in his entire life, in 2002. Although it was initially believed that she had been hit, she confessed that she was told that she had rather tried to throw herself out of a moving car.

On that occasion, he had multiple fractures in one arm, pelvis and ribs. She was in a coma and, when she woke up, she was immersed in acute pains from everything that had happened to her.

Campuzano dijo sentirse muy orgullosa de cómo ha logrado "reconstruirse" después de tantas recaídas (Foto: Twitter/@la_campu)

Once she woke up from the coma, she recalled, she had to work hard to recover, to resume her life. However, it was also a moment that marked her and allowed her to value her life, so she now considers it a great lesson.

On the other hand, the top model acknowledged that she can watch the videos in which she was put into ambulances because, when she comes to find these images, she reconfirms that she took the best path to be able to get out of her addictions and help others who are in the situation she was in.

Carmen Campuzano confesó que la parte que más le ha dolido de cuando fue dependiente de las drogas, es que abandonó a sus hijas (Instagram / carmencampuzanooficial)

He also shared that this year he celebrates 10 years of not having touched any drugs, however, it was something that cost him a lot of work.

Although she believes that she has made a lot of progress in her, as well as in recovering the mother-daughter relationship with her twins, she still has a lot to do, because she is aware that the time she was not with them hurt her and her daughters.