Viral test: discover your level of insecurity with the first thing you see in the image

Are they bitten apples or a face? Find out for yourself to test your cognitive skills.


A new viral challenge for you. Viral puzzles have levels, some are very easy to perform, others are somewhat complicated, but there are the most complex ones like the one we present below. This time it is a visual puzzle in which you will have to look carefully at any detail so that you can answer the first thing you saw. The goal is to know if you are a person with high levels of insecurity.

This dilemma often exists when failures or high-stress situations that are difficult to handle accumulate. For this reason, many turn to professional support to overcome these fears. The test will also allow you to freshen up a little and know if you are insecure.

Remember to look carefully. The answers to the challenge are below, where you must aim well so that you remember the most important thing you have with yourself. Point out well if you see shattered apples or a face, to know your personality. Good luck.

Conoce el nivel de inseguridad que tienes ahora con responder adecuadamente esta prueba viral. Foto: Mdzol.



If the first thing you saw was apples, it means that you are an extremely insecure person. What does it mean? That you have great potential and brilliant ideas haunt your head. However, it is overshadowed because it has a strong fear of failure, which paralyzes you.

You have a hard time making decisions, so you turn to your family members to help you do so. You depend a lot on others to make decisions. If there is no complete security, you immediately seek help and wait for an answer. Therefore, you must learn to relax and thus you can enjoy everything that happens to you more. Stop always being aware of what will happen in the future, life is today. Value who you are and keep moving forward.

Human head

Finally, you stand out for being very persevering with people. Despite having many fears and insecurities, you try to achieve what you want in life as it happens. You cope with whatever it takes to reach your goals.

On the other hand, you are someone who is balanced and meticulous. Nothing is left to chance in your life and you analyze everything very well before making an important choice. You are reserved from your private life and few know what is really going on inside you. Recognize that positive detail and follow your senses.


These are a series of activities, which can be of various subjects, such as mathematics, riddles, relationship of objects, among others. The purpose is to arouse people's interest in finding answers in a playful way, as well as allowing us to put into practice basic knowledge that we learned at a certain point in our lives.


Logical puzzles are pastimes or games that consist of finding the solution to an enigma, finding the hidden meaning of a phrase only through intuition and reasoning. That is not by virtue of the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that they pose the riddle in the form of a rhyme and are generally aimed at children's audiences. They are mostly used in a humorous way.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that emerges as a game and requires the use of insight to find a suitable solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme; others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires the skill and analysis for a successful resolution.