Video: In Pasto students report that they received bags of milk from the PAE that had larvae on them

In the affected school, they indicate that they have also received food with expired expiration dates

Reports continue throughout the country about the food of questionable quality that some providers of the School Food Program (PAE) would be delivering to children in Colombia. On this occasion, the call comes from an official school in Pasto, capital of the department of Nariño, which received a batch of milk bags with larvae.

This is the Municipal Educational Institution Ciudad de Pasto, which in that place is also known as CCP. According to the student community, during this year they have received decompensated diets — only drinks and cookies, which are carbohydrates — and products with past expiration dates.

However, the fact of receiving their desktop with worms becomes unacceptable to them. “It cannot be that in such a large public institution they are giving us milk with worms,” says Tatiana Carolina Rosero, a student at that school. “I am very indignant and I know that many of my colleagues do too.”

Videos recorded by the same students show how these whitish larvae, which look like flies in their first phase of life and usually appear near garbage containers, move on top of students' bags of milk for personal consumption.

The social networks of the Colombian Federation of Educators (Fecode) also shared the complaint made by teachers and students of the school. When asked directly about this accusation, Infobae was referred to this communiqué about the constant allegations that have been received throughout the country:

From the Council of Pasture they made the complaint, with the clarification that the larvae were not present inside the product, but on the packaging:

On the Caracol Radio station they contacted a representative of the operator who delivers food from the PAE to the CCP. He offered a similar explanation to the air about the worms: “These were on the outside of the bags and it was in a single box.”

In addition, they hinted that in the complaints there are third interests against the operator, despite the fact that it was the students themselves who found the larvae and extended the alert.

According to the municipality's Health Secretary, Javier Andrés Ruano, there are students who entered the emergency department after eating their weekly diets, but it is not yet confirmed that these are cases of poisoning.